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  1. Benci


    It sounds great if u play it backwards!
  2. Benci its in beta and really slow, but its a lot of fun :) check it out!
  3. Benci

    F2P Transmog Sets

    I like this mace and shield u have now, but u can always check out.. Shovel of Mercy - Item - World of Warcraft and Bloodspattered Shield - Item - World of Warcraft
  4. Benci

    24's 10 Man Arathi Basin Premade EU

    GJ all! :) Ill try to be there next time :) :cool:
  5. Benci

    24's in the 20 f2p bracket

    Your WSG stats: WSG played 25 WSG won 18 (Ratio: 0.72) WSG 13 flag caps (Ratio: 0.52) WSG 31 flag return (Ratio: 1.24) WSG Killing Blows 359 (Ratio: 14,36) WSG deaths 109 (Ratio: 4,36) You dont even cap 1 flag each WSG.. but u do get 14 KBs...
  6. Benci

    Which Classes are Underplayed

    I have seen more mages then shamans, but yes Druids, warlocks, mages & shammys are underplayed Warriors, hunters, priests, pallys and rogues overplayed.. Or u make a melee hunter :)
  7. Benci

    sup 24s, dont sleep on this thread

    Joke I hope?
  8. Benci

    Real id ALLY.

  9. Benci

    sup 24s, dont sleep on this thread

    lookin good :) This is my shaman: Benci @ Bladefist - Game Guide - World of Warcraft My green priest troll: Oeieoeaahaah @ Bladefist - Game Guide - World of Warcraft and these are chars of a m8 on my server, I think they look pretty cool too :) Spés @ Bladefist - Game Guide - World of...
  10. Benci

    Who do you think is the best 24s in this bracket? (EU and US)

    Please tell me why you think this 24 is good.. dont just give me 4 names where I cant even find the Armory of. :p (Thats my bad.. but cant find them sorry)
  11. Benci

    24 list (EU)

    Sticky me.
  12. Benci

    Who do you think is the best 24s in this bracket? (EU and US)

    I would like to start with Scoobydrood, I did a game of WSG vs him, and you just cant catch him. Great FC!
  13. Benci

    Who do you think is the best 24s in this bracket? (EU and US)

    Sorry, I wanted to make a list but every time I wanna update it there are more QQ commenets then armory links. So keep doing what u are doing atleast now I don't have to read it :)
  14. Benci

    64s in the 60-64 bracket

    this is a good threat.
  15. Benci

    64 Twink Armories ?

    Again, he didn't make this threat for a anti 64 campaign. He is asking for 64 armories..
  16. Benci

    64 Twink Armories ?

    He is asking for a 64 armory, he isnt asking for ppl to tell him how to play this game. dont tell someone on what lvl they can or cant lock XP, the bracket is 60-64 so he isnt cheating or anything >< if u still wanne QQ then why dont u roll a lvl 59 :) U wont find lvl 64s in that BG.
  17. Benci

    LF Real-ID EU horde

    Just wanna to say that the Real-ID is a big succes, we are doing premades almost everyday and there are always more people then premade group spots. Sometimes we are even running 2 premades :) So if u are missing all the premade fun on Horde - EU please send me your Real-id or ask for mine! Hope...