Which Classes are Underplayed


Hey so yea im planning on make a toon for the 20-24 bracket and i was just wondering what classes are underplayed as i dont really want to play the fan boy of the month class for example hunters / rogue.. I play a Lock at 19 ( Bucketflaps ) so id prefer it wasnt lock but if needs be, Thanks guys :)
Druid, warlock, mage are the three least played imo followed by shammies and warriors, then the hunter/priest/pally/rogue's
Druid, warlock, mage are the three least played imo followed by shammies and warriors, then the hunter/priest/pally/rogue's

I have seen more mages then shamans, but yes Druids, warlocks, mages & shammys are underplayed
Warriors, hunters, priests, pallys and rogues overplayed..

Or u make a melee hunter :)
Warriors and priests are not overplayed

Hunter/pally/rogue definitely the most played classes.

You could always try the less common specs, like prot warrior/fire mage/combat rogue/ele shaman
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warlocks, shaman, mages, warriors. In that order. I personally see a fair share of druids but it's mostly poorly played ones alliance side so I'd say any of those would be fine. Mages look like fun. Would roll one myself but I seem to have grown a fondness for melee classes recently :S.
They covered it above, but I recommend just playing whatever class you think you will have the most fun on. If you are horde and que alone you might consider being druid/rogue so you can stealth away while you team gets camped every other bg. Personally I love mages and play them at all levels. Being a fire mage in an AV turtle makes life worth living.
if you play 19, it's pretty much the same at 24. disc-priest/h-pals/hunters are rather OP.

and just like 19 there are tons of rogues, but rogues now aren't a FOTM class, come MOP...most will reroll. many say they won't....they will, especially after being gimped worse than they were in WOTLK with ToT issues
i been planning on a eleshaman with the 49 spell power mace and the hast mace in off hand both with 22 intell enchant, i go enchanced dual weild then switch to ele and keep both weps
If you alliance hit me up, I love to bring ele or ench shaman in Premade . Honeybadger supports underplayed classes . I reccomend anyone intrested in bringing a new toon over to server and take advantage of wsg weekend extra honor for boas. Pm me if intrested.

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