Search results

  1. 19 Warriors, Good or Bad?

    I've been playing the same 19 warrior for about four years now. I always go 1h+shield and realistically it is mediocre compared to the top end classes. I would say that it actually requires skill to play as I have seen a couple warrior with near my same gear and would fail in duels vs. me and...
  2. Tabard of Kirin Tor at 19!!!

    dude Kurenai is where it is at. Sporeggar looks terrible on my warrior.
  3. No experiance a bad thing

    We have been PRAYING for this change to come for almost four years now. Lets all not start becoming hypocritical and not wham this. This is really going to bring life back into twinking. also where is the warrior love in next patch? t.t
  4. Oh my gawd! ><

    fuck this game canceled
  5. 19 mounts incoming?

  6. Best us battlegroup for arenas?

    Ruin of course
  7. Mountain Dew Pets

    Promotion starts Early June most likely you will earn "Fuel" each day by going on the website and with enough "Fuel" you can buy the pet/s.
  8. Twink with most achievement points

    I'm at 1000 and only have two areas explored, Westfall and Elwynn Forest. Most of the achievements I have are not had by most of the community as in Higher Learning and Shop Smart..Shop Pet Smart!
  9. Lílly's Twink Blog!

    Don't play a hunter.
  10. How overpowered are hunters? A selection of random games.

    since when has this game been a team effort? I've been by myself isolated from any teamwork on Bleeding Hollow for almost four years. I'm sure it is not the way most of you think but if I want anything done I have to do it myself, every time; and it gets done.
  11. How overpowered are hunters? A selection of random games.

    Over the last couple weeks I've taken a screenshot of every game I played and looking through them I saw a trend. Most of the time hunters were doing over twice the damage as any other class in the battlegrounds. Here is just a couple of the screenshots...
  12. 19 warrior

    My profile has the tank variant.
  13. /Played @ 19

    seriously, how the mojo?
  14. /Played @ 19

    37 days on Fortunate - Bleeding Hollow.
  15. What do your twink's bags look like?

    Why so organized? I'll post mine in the morning and you can see the chaos.
  16. 19 Hunter Vid

    reroll warrior
  17. Sell misc twink stuff -Bleedinghollow ally

    You didnt just rob my guild bank did you? :O -Fortunate
  18. Warrior glyphs?

    Hamstring and 5 yard farther charge. Should never have to change them.