Warrior glyphs?

What warrior glyphs is the best? For minor, I was thinking of the charge glyph, but I dunno for major.
Currently I am using glyph of rending and glyph of bloodrage. I can see the value of glyph of charge, I just prefer to have the ability to use bloodrage in combat for the massive rage boost especially against dodge rogues and holy priests.

Glyph of rending is best for my imp rend spec. But anyone who isn't running that (7/3/0) should probably not use that. Instead I'd suggest hamstring. The chance to completly stop people on hammy is nice when an fc is running away or if you somehow get slightly out of range on a hunter or smth. Glyph of rapid charge is also quite nice, especially if you have imp charge talent and charge minor glyph- you can be charging in a lot. But personally, I find that to be a bit overkill. I see most people using hamstring.
There are still rogues who have an excess of dodge and vs. a warrior thats a big issue mate. It is just a personal preference to always have rage instead of relying on my melee attacks to hit and generate it for me when we have slow swing speed.
Hamstring and 5 yard farther charge. Should never have to change them.
your minor glyph is the best one in its slot; keep it. it's the reason you can charge ranged opponents. without it, your charge can be ruined by any good hunter.

glyph of hamstring for major. no question in my opinion. you need all the anti-hunter tech you can get. this glyph stops kites in their tracks.

without taste for blood, glyph of rending isn't much more than another 50 damage or so. glyph of rapid charge won't be noticable since you spend more than 15 seconds in combat every time anyway. glyph of overpower, even if you got the parry proc a lot, isn't a big deal without the improved overpower talent.

glyph of resonating power is the only decent competition imo. this makes your thunder clap cheaper while letting you spec 1/2 improved charge so you can hamstring right off the charge. but i still prefer glyph of hamstring since thunder clap isn't much of a big deal when ur being kited.
i honestly think the charge glyph would be best for 2 little reasons

1. a pally who knows how to play will use their range taunt to keep the warrior from charging. with the extra charge range you should always get the charge off before the pally hits you with a taunt.:)

2. against a hunter who can kite (i don't see them very often :p) you need to get the charge off or else there just gonna kite you around.

and for major glyph go with hamstring because stopping efc for others to catch up can help dps him/her down faster. also it helps against hunters.

hope this helps :)
tulle131 said:
I have Charge Glyph on my 19 Warrior, and that is very nice.

IMO, you should take it. :)

That's what I'm using for my warrior too... Works great when chasing down an enemy flag carrier and need to get them faster (for the increased charge range) and stunning them (improved hamstring). I also gotta admit the improved hamstring is the one thing that gives warriors a fighting chance against kiting hunters ;).
TBH glyph of rending seems...weak compared to hamstring glyph. Hamstring is so much more useful during premades and against most classes that can slow. Nothing is more satisfying than stopping that hunter or FC in their tracks.

Charge for minor is essentially a given.
Proc vs. constant damage. 10% at that. Rend is 60 per tick for me, 5 ticks, 300 damage. A decent heroic strike is 300 damage. Hoping for a 10% chance of immobilisation is crap, most fights aren't lasting more than a minute and thats 6-7hamstrings used during that fight. You still aren't going to get to that 1/10 chance. Rend is cheap rage, cheap damage. Over that minute you're looking at 1200 damage from rend. At most I am seeing twinks with 2.2k (excluding feral druids which I have seen up to 3.1, exploit enchants) and that leaves only 1000 damage to do with white hits, heroic strikes, thunder clap, etc.

Nonetheless, my entire arguement was based on talenting Improved Rend (3/3) in the first place. If I hadn't talented that, I wouldn't be using Glyph of Rending.
Essentially my argument is based around premading, as that is what I do.

In a premade, you might spec into improved rend, but you would take the hamstring because its beneficial. You're talking about 1v1s, and I'm talking about stopping key players in their tracks.

300 damage from rend won't save you from a hunter that's ranged you. Though don't get me wrong, a hunter can range a hamstring-glyphed warrior as well.
Xposure said:
ok, thx for the help guys. I'll go with charge for minor and hamstring for major.

This is what i use. the charge glyph is excellent against hunters, as it makes your charge range just barely larger than their shot range, and the hamstring glyph is obviously great against FCs, rogues, and hunters with Glyph of the monkey.

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