No experiance a bad thing

So I have been contemplating wither this is a good thing or bad thing. On the one hand you have no exp meaning current twink won't have to worry about dining and will be able to accomplish what they need more freely. On the bad side a lot more noobs not managing there exp correctly, Easier explorer tittles (a lot more twink with explorer), and even less of a challenge. What are you're thoughts on this change guys?
So other people will be able to fulfill an already casualized aspect of the game -- achievements -- just that little bit easier. I'd say I'm indifferent to that.

It's not just a good change, it's a great change. It gives twinks tons of freedom.
If anything i think it will help twinks a lot, because you won't have to worry about getting gear before you ding, therefore with it easier to twink i think a lot of new people will be rolling twinks.

also the bads who are just in the game to steamroll levellers will either get bored and level their twinks, stay in 'twink' (exp-free) BGs and get owned, or stay in leveller BGs and be out of our hair.
I think they should take EXP out of bg's (well after you pay the 10g) and that's it, let exploring / questing / killing mobs still give exp
Eaz said:
I think they should take EXP out of bg's (well after you pay the 10g) and that's it, let exploring / questing / killing mobs still give exp

...why? How would it hurt anyone in any way? :confused:
More Twinks - Scrub + Own Queue = More Twinks in Queue, Less Scrubs QQ.
iaccidentallytwink said:
More Twinks - Scrub + Own Queue = More Twinks in Queue, Less Scrubs QQ.

Doesn't this mean a longer queue though? This is one of my biggest concerns out of the most recent news on the patch. My queue times on the shadowburn group are already ~10+ mins weekday and 4-8 mins weekend. If there are no lowbies to fill in a couple slots it'll take even longer to get a match going.

As far as more twinks, I'd be surprised. I think that those that want to twink are already doing it for the most part. Twinkers learn to work with and around the current rules. The no xp will help those already 19 that need another piece or two, but I don't see it encouraging too many more new people to twink.

I'm just feeling pessimistic about this latest info. Between possibly longer queue times and 20 min matches, it might ruin twinking for me.
phenn said:
Doesn't this mean a longer queue though? This is one of my biggest concerns out of the most recent news on the patch. My queue times on the shadowburn group are already ~10+ mins weekday and 4-8 mins weekend. If there are no lowbies to fill in a couple slots it'll take even longer to get a match going.

As far as more twinks, I'd be surprised. I think that those that want to twink are already doing it for the most part. Twinkers learn to work with and around the current rules. The no xp will help those already 19 that need another piece or two, but I don't see it encouraging too many more new people to twink.

I'm just feeling pessimistic about this latest info. Between possibly longer queue times and 20 min matches, it might ruin twinking for me.

After 3.1 many people stopped queueing because of the multiple nerfs. 3.2 is buffing twink as far as they can ever be buffed non-gear wise. People will come back, queues fill fill up fast because more people will get back to twinking. I know I'm unretiring my 16 twink once that patch comes out, I'm sure others will as well.
This is in no way a bad thing.

I'm hoping to see some of the old school twinks back in action, now that they can update their gear.

How fun is it going to be to solo DM's on your 19?
iaccidentallytwink said:
After 3.1 many people stopped queueing because of the multiple nerfs. 3.2 is buffing twink as far as they can ever be buffed non-gear wise. People will come back, queues fill fill up fast because more people will get back to twinking. I know I'm unretiring my 16 twink once that patch comes out, I'm sure others will as well.

And I do think that there will be others like you that bring out old twinks or roll new ones. But, you are still one account. Multiple twinks, but only one is played at a time. There may be an abundance of new twink toons, but not new accounts with them.

I really do hope you're right and the queues do get better, but I am prepared for it to go either way. For now I'm gonna play the hell out of my hunter and enjoy my extra stun from the Entrapment Talent before they take that off of the immolation trap. :(
I personally love the challenge of haveing to Watch your exp gain. Now all you need to do is hit 19, pay 10 gold then farm all ur gear, thats the only downside i see to it, what i love is that if you pay 10 gold you only go against those who have as well in a bg. Rather go up against a twink then someone who isnt, its more satisfying to take out a twink then it is to take out some one who isnt.
Hamcake said:
...why? How would it hurt anyone in any way? :confused:

With the exploring and everything it means you would have to plan our your experiance, not just hit 19 then turn it off and run through and get everything.
am i the only one that thinks you wont be able to do quests and get rewards with xp turned off?

Cuz thats what im thinking they're gonna do, people are getting real worked up over this and i think they're in for a dissapointment. Just speculation on my part, but its something we should think about.
I am all in favour for this XP change. If you think its bad that morons don't have to plan their xp anymore, I agree to a certain degree - but all the new options with this change outweigh that little bit of sillyness. I am so excited about making a 19 for running SFK/BFD and shit, maybe even gnomer?? And on my healer twink, when i get 12412414 whispers a day asking me to heal wc - SURE! WHY NOT?

Grunge - I did think about that, the quote said if you turn off XP it will turn it off for Pvp AND PvE - And that could be taken like it turns it all off for EVERYTHING, or like you said - just killing mobs, it might not even be discovery/quests - but i really, really hope it is:D And I like to stay in dreamland with positivity, so I am just praying this does include quests.

It will be nice not having to rely on people to help you with quests at level 10, then at level 14, then 15, and 17, and 18 while leveling up - it'll be nice to be able to boost to 19 and then do it :D
The example you gave of a con being easier explorer titles doesn't affect the game in any way, I don't see why people having an easier time managing a twink without all their hard work going to waste affects you or anyone else either... It's a positive change in almost every way except to idiots who will QQ because their twinks were made to kill lowbies and they can't take a fair fight.
We have been PRAYING for this change to come for almost four years now. Lets all not start becoming hypocritical and not wham this. This is really going to bring life back into twinking. also where is the warrior love in next patch? t.t
I'm sure this is a great change , people with level 18 , 19s twinked or not can finnaly just dust them off and shape up their gear without ding. I don't think ill be running instances though.

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