19 Hunter Vid

Pretty good, some nice crits at the beginning. Little bit too much running around filming though haha.

haha yeah i notice people always post videos of themselves and their own ui pwning people. I decided to run around and show other guildies PvPing.
Hamcake said:
Backpedaling and keyboard turning make baby jesus cry

EDIT: Oh web on auto...


I'm pretty sure I saw some clicking too =p


But maybe I'm biased (because I have a hatred for hunters that backpedal)

video in itself wasn't bad. but the lack of apparent skill, backpedaling, and...country music, just make me want to cry.

edit: also, if you do want to see some editing and whatnot, you can look at my 19 video. Its by no means the pinnacle of excellence, but I do a fairly good job of making the music sync up and captioning.
I dont in any means back peddle all the time. I just wanted to make sure the video showed my crits. If i did not make it clear enough it was my first video. But thanks for all the hater comments on the video. I thought this site was supposed to be constructive to helping people, not calling them newbs and practically spittin in my face. Thx.
It was alright. The idea was OK, but wasn't assembled right, and the footage was subpar(sorry). I prefer videos with arena in them as well, and slightly better music (matter of opinion). 4.5/10.

It's the first, they will improve.
reroll warrior
I had no idea why people didn't like it till about 1/2 way through when the country started. Other than that, I liked it :p
I liked when you use Insignia in the beggining to remove Hamstring, but still move at the same speed because of backpeddling.

2/10 for effort, otherwise get some rock in (I myself dont listen to it but the majority of WoW players listen to it), l2strafe and capture more 1v1s and 1vXs.

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