19 Warriors, Good or Bad?


I'm interested in making a new twink, one that can actually deal out damage that can counter a rogue or hunter.

How do warriors play out? Are they just an average dpser that ends up holding the flag all game?

Other classes I'm considering rolling are mages or rogues.
I like my warrior I play him more than any of my twinks.

Sucks against hunters, but once you get the initial hamstring in I just spamstring and rend, I also try to disarm so they cannot shoot me.

I barely hold the flag, only when It really needs someone holding it.

When I fight rogues, I hamstring, rend and kite em around while keeping hamstring up so they cant get to me.

I don't like pugging with my mage cause people don't know to not attack the sheep.
I really enjoy playing my warrior. I think that they are very useful in WSG in that with the glyph your charge has a greater range than a hunters shot. This allows you to get in close :) for rogues you have overpower which is always nice when they turn on evasion. I do end up holding the flag a lot though, some times it is frustration when i am sitting with flag and no one is even attempting to return. There are many complaints about rage management, often times you are waiting on rage to build if you don't manage it properly. But with practice you can pretty much eliminate this problem. IMO roll a war, but i am bias as 19 war is my only twink atm

PS i think that wars will be carrying the flag less with the upcoming patch
Only problem I would see for Warriors is that the best shoulders are BoA and so is the Axe and I don't have access to BoA on my Alliance server so I dropped him :( lol

The World of Warcraft Armory

One of the Twink Warriors in my guild



He also got the "That Takes Class" Achiv during the fishing contest on a level 65DK

10 twinks took him down xD lol
I've been playing the same 19 warrior for about four years now. I always go 1h+shield and realistically it is mediocre compared to the top end classes. I would say that it actually requires skill to play as I have seen a couple warrior with near my same gear and would fail in duels vs. me and whatnot.

Damage wise warriors do quite a surprising amount of aoe damage through thunderclap and a decent amount of damage to a single target. The very best reason to play a warrior is the charge and hamstring as it is the single best edge they have as a class, the ability to charge over obstacles and through people onto the flag carrier and halting them is the very pinnacle of the class.
Dietz said:
I'm interested in making a new twink, one that can actually deal out damage that can counter a rogue or hunter.

How do warriors play out? Are they just an average dpser that ends up holding the flag all game?

Other classes I'm considering rolling are mages or rogues.

Meh imo you should really roll a warrior if you wanna own up rogues or hunters, if your Alliance i suggest human for extra trinket spot or Nightelf for Shadowmeld, which has helped me in many situations. Warriors are very versatile to they can top the damage charts. Against hunter and rogue I suggest you probably go Sword and Board. Just spam hamstring on the hunter and hes dead. For rogue go defensive stance do shield wall, spam revenge and then do disarm and hes dead with you taking barely anydamage. In my opinion warriors are the least known about but best twinks in the 19 bracket.
I would definitely go with a warrior. My Draenei warrior Wettdream on the Kargath server is very brutal in the BG's, I have him primarily set up to run high attack power. I would choose the Draenei race over any of the others just for the simple fact that they get Gift of the Naaru, an instant cast HoT that heals for 320 + attack power (I have 303 ap with battle shout on) over 15 seconds. If you also have herbalism you can get lifeblood rank 3 which heals for 720 over 5 seconds, couple that with Gift of the Naaru and you can heal yourself for over 1000 and make yourself a wrecking ball. If you do not have access to BoA weapons and are alliance you can get the Glacial stone which is the highest DPS weapon other than the BOA one. As a bonus while you are doing the Glacial stone chain quest you will pick up Dartol's Rod of Transformation which turns you into a Furbolg. With the combination of race choice, gear, and professions mentioned above you can take almost any player 1 vs 1. Anyways I hope this helps and good luck twinking.

Just to give you an idea of the the crits you can expect I've had crusader proc and crit for 446 and that was self buffed.
on my hunter i can have a hard time with warriors if they get the initial charge. sometimes i try to focus on a good warrior to keep them in combat because hamstring is a killer.
Warriors are really fun, to me. Make sure to get [ITEM]Glyph of Charge[/ITEM] and [ITEM]Glyph of Hamstring[/ITEM] and you will rock those Hunters if you can get the opening move, and even if you don't get the opening move, you should still be able to beat them seeing as 4/5 of the hunters I see keyboard turn and backpedal. Make sure you go Sword and Board against them. Also, if you see a pack of hunters, run away and don't look back. You will have so many constant slowing abilites on you that you won't be able to do anything. And it hurts you in real life to see your 1600hp twink ripped apart by 5 hunters.

My Warrior can also do everything. I'm a great flag returner since I can usually survive fairly long and pin down the EFC with Hamstring so other team mates can catch up to him. I can also run the flags well as I can Hamstring any melee that're running after me and beat the oh-so-common hunter when one comes to try to get the flag back. I often cap 2/3 flags in most Warsong Gulch matches, and depending on the Horde's amount of Hunters, don't die.

As previously said, get [ITEM]Glacial Stone[/ITEM] for your 2h if no Bind on Accounts. I have it on my warrior and, although slow, hits pretty hard. Plus, the quest chain for it also gets you [ITEM]Dartol's Rod of Transformation[/ITEM], which is always fun.

If you're Alliance, I would choose Human as your race, so you can get two [ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM]s. If you really hate Humans, go Night Elf, for Shadowmeld so you can almost guarantee getting the opening move on a hunter or any other class that knows how to kite you around.

Warriors are really fun. I'd suggest making one.

On a side note, I got my second [ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM] for my Warrior last night. /cheer Now all I need is [ITEM]Lucky Fishing Hat[/ITEM], [ITEM]Shadowfang[/ITEM] (If I can find someone selling it on my server) and [ITEM]Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons[/ITEM] (once I get those last 5 agonizing levels on my main).
If you are looking to counter the two above classes, do not roll a mage. Plain and simple. If you want to be able to contend with damage outputs of a hunter, you will need to be a glass cannon mage who drops in about six-seven seconds OR will have to go through the trouble of instantly changing your set to a VERY high stamina set (which will have you spamming spells that have no added spell power) and you will still probably end up dying. On my mage, I can beat most rogues but with the use of frost nova - a super fast casting level one frost bolt, and a healing potion (or bandage if they are locked in frost nova without a trinket). Its not mages are a bad class - they are actually one of the most fun in my opinion - but if you are aiming to contend with the above classes you mentioned a mage is not one you would do it with. Perhaps a warlock or shaman... but not a mage. At times we have to fight way behind a group because (in my case) horde hunters will literally see me surrounded by 4 people - and still FF me and attack me while they are destroyed by my teammates.

And even as frost, then we are usually only good in the flag room... but yet even then with one insignia+sprint/sprint pot+druid transformation they are away from us. On the field, usually you can slow the melee but there is always an annoying hunter waiting around that will still fire at only you even if there is a healer nearby.
I agree with this statement regarding mages. I have not ever played a mage, but I just don't see them as that viable in this bracket. Deadly at 80 for a warrior though, imo.

My 19 "twink" warrior is fun to play. I like him better than my 59 DK and almost as much as my main, an 80 PvProt warrior and tank. The nerfs to enchants were a big drop for him in BG survivability, but not as much as I expected. I miss my 3000hp buffed and miss my Enti's Quenched Sword terribly, but still have fun. Oooh and I wish I had Warbringer, that would be cool at this level.

As others have said, if I get the jump on the hunter, you will see 1 dead hunter. Period. Rogues are touch and go to fight, depends on their dps and the player.

All in all, a warrior takes skill and is fun and not the "OP" class like hunters and rogues are at this bracket. In my opinion the most viable classes in WSG at this level is hunter, rogue, warrior and pally, druid and then the casters. Have fun.
Thanks to every one of you for responding. I've read some encouraging posts for the warrior class. I'm thinking a Draenei warrior will be the best because of the self heal and the hit rating that I won't have to gear for. Now I'll have to play around with items to get the most attack power possible without a huge loss in hitpoints. It will be quite a change not having shadowmeld to use as a feign death against those nasty hunters! :rolleyes:

I have easy access to all the BoAs, so feel free to post some more armories of any hard hitting warriors you know.
Warriors = fun as hell

Mages are little else than CC machines, they have crap DPS output and even worse survivability.

Rogues are ok but IMO get boring quickly
imo Ramune ^^ is a REALLY well geared warrior.

if you want the perfect build, build off of his set.

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