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  1. AAARRRGGGGHHH! Dungeons.

    I feel ya, I lost so many rolls to retards. In the end I just decided to go try solo bosses for the last couple pieces I needed. Took a while but it was worth it. Got all my 16 slot bags now aswell :D
  2. Twink Info Europe

    Not seen all that many of you yet. Hurry up and get in some games I wanna beat you!
  3. The perfect dps warrior?

    Cobrahn's grasp is stuck in my inventory, switch between them depending on the game. Also have crusader on a 1h sword, easy enough to switch to reaper after it procs.
  4. The perfect dps warrior?

    I attempted to put together a DPS gearset myself, my armory should show my results: BloodSurge As far as I know I'm logged out in DPS gear. Self buffed I hit 300 attack power, 28.3% crit and I think 4 hit rating. With these stats I still maintain over 1400 hp with rum. Not tried playing with a...
  5. Gy Farm Europe

    Now I know who was chain fearing me last night >.< DAMN YOU!
  6. Twink Info Guild EU!

    Hurry up with twinking I'm getting really bored of mushing the same old hunters XD
  7. What battlegroup for EU Twink Info?

    We should probably look into how the battlegroup mergers are going to affect the twink populations. You never know there could be a really active twink battlegroup merging with rampage and a really bad group merging into cyclone.
  8. New World Record!

    This is about my 5th month of fishing today. Starting to get on my nerves :< Dunno how I'd cope not getting it for 2 years though thats a lil bit harsh. EDIT: Typical, got mine today too ^_^
  9. twinkinfo guilds

    Pfft Aether, Horde on rampage is nothing but hunters atm you should know that. Besides, they aren't gonna have an easy time playing against us ^^ Will be fun to have a guild to play premades with.
  10. Twink Info Guild EU!

    About time I had some competition playing against me. Xposure you're staying on Nept I can't go playing by myself now can I ? Looking forward to seeing you all. I'll see what I can do about getting some sort of group together to get premades on alliance side and hopefully we can get a few good...
  11. Hunter QQ

    Wingclip is fine, Pet slows and snares are also fine albeit a little annoying at times. The problem IMO is concussive shot. It does too much on such a short CD and coupled with its range it screws over pretty much every class.
  12. @Drayner RE: Lokdtite

    Drayner is him too, so it doesn't matter.
  13. Hunter QQ

    A man can dream can't he?
  14. @Drayner RE: Lokdtite

    I know its a long shot, but he might also be Drayner. Guess we will never know.
  15. Hunter QQ

    Get a warrior and beat the hunters to a pulp. I enjoy it and I think quite a few others would too. Hamstring has a nasty habit of annoying them. The only time it becomes hell is when you have a chain of spiders rooting you.
  16. Wtf 20!

    It appears you're very similar to me in more than one way, and so I must wishesth ye happy b'day (might be late I['m too drunk to figure it out :P) Anyway, its good to know I'm not the only crazy person in the world, you're not alone, Noo is a pretty good tattoo imo. Nothing quite like something...
  17. Obtaining the AGM trinket

    I've been one trinket away from my AGM for a while now, every single time there's a level 80 or 2 waiting for it. The problem with the smaller groups is I've got noone to interrupt them while I ninja the trinket. Guess I'll just have to wait a while and get lucky enough to go when noone else...
  18. Twinkoholic

    You should definitly play your rogue more. Help with the rebirth of rampage twinking :D
  19. Ally serv EU

    I just hate fighting you because of the bubble. Perma-rage-starved. Seems to be a lot more twinks on horde side than alliance in this battlegroup though. Aether is only scary cause he has a complete gear set and I don't but don't tell him that or he'll eat me :<
  20. What gear for Warrior FC/DPS or Balance?

    I'm using feet of the lynx with +7 agility over silver-linked. Same AP from strength but some extra crit from the agility. Depends whether you can live with slightly less health.