Gy Farm Europe

It's pretty much an honor code your setting. You either take the Rep you get from your team mates, by winning in a short time, and the respect of the enemy;

Or you honor farm, pissing off your team, and the enemies, which makes you more of a target to them in later Battlegrounds, and getting less heals (if needed) by your team mates.
People can take what they want away from that but Below the GY while capping flags imo is a perfectly acceptable way of winning.

I could also come and post SS of a team hunters or w.e camping below GY plenty of times but it happens and it isnt insant spawn kill so.......lets just do backflips.
Twinkzruz said:
It's pretty much an honor code your setting. You either take the Rep you get from your team mates, by winning in a short time, and the respect of the enemy;

Or you honor farm, pissing off your team, and the enemies, which makes you more of a target to them in later Battlegrounds, and getting less heals (if needed) by your team mates.

There is no honor amongst twinks. You should know this by now. The only thing that matters is playing a faceroll class and trolling forums, and camping if you're feelin frisky.

Its kind of a bad way to look at it, but thats the way it's been for a long time and thats the way its always going to be.
chargebye said:
I'm rottenuts btw bull =p but The impression I got from this site was that ot was ok to camp under GY and you said yourself we were just running and capping flags during that time. As for the second SS I wasn't there and i honestly wouldnt be apart of that =p.

Now I know who was chain fearing me last night >.< DAMN YOU!
BloodSurge said:
Now I know who was chain fearing me last night >.< DAMN YOU!

lol , I used to hate locks doing that but when you play one you quickly find out thats what needs to be done to survive =]
I'm fairly new to this guild, however no one told me you cannot camp the grave yard, nor could I find any posts relating to such a matter. I find it works both ways though, if you joined and the alliance where camping the horde grave yard, would you have made the same post? I highly doubt it. Basically I find that both horde and alliance are just as bad as each other for doing this.

Btw, I got 'Ironman' that run which was good :)
mopchild said:
if thats your attitude im pretty glad im not joining you. twink info europe is a shambles.


Your argument is that you solo queued and jumped down into 4 people?

Your more than welcome to 2 vs 2 if you want fair game.

Also when Twink info joined that battlegroup I believe that it was in favour of alliance so your generaly complaining about being beat after you've been winning for so long.
no it was assumed that it was alliance heavy when it was not, being someone whos played the battlegroup for over 2 years its horde heavy by far. and no it wasnt just jumping down into 4 people it was spawning and being instantly killed by 2 hunters a shaman and a druid sitting in the gy. once again if you dont know the facts dont assume.

Tell Harry hello for me. And what is wrong with GY camping to win? If there is nobody to stop your flag carrier you can't loose. Sounds like a good strat to me. You are only restricting yourself to play by "Unwriten twinking rules." You are there to win, use any means.
im not writing anything anymore its pointless to many gy farming retards for me to handle tonight. GL HF with whatever you do.
mopchild said:
if thats your attitude im pretty glad im not joining you. twink info europe is a shambles.


Ok you didn't seem to read or understand my post. I also think your missing the point, its a game, who don't like the particular wsg you are in, then leave.
mopchild said:
no it was assumed that it was alliance heavy when it was not, being someone whos played the battlegroup for over 2 years its horde heavy by far. and no it wasnt just jumping down into 4 people it was spawning and being instantly killed by 2 hunters a shaman and a druid sitting in the gy. once again if you dont know the facts dont assume.


Then stop bitching in the first half of ur post about us below the GY. You clearly say that we were completing the objectives so the only thing you should be doing right now is looking for a better alliance team.

This is kinda pissing me off because I've been farmed enough times but everyone has their own rules os to speak so don't expect everyone to follow what u expect them to do.
I'm backing Mop on this one, not only did you GY farm but you gave a bad example on behalf of the website.

I personally don't respect any graveyard farming related playing, I hope you'll avoid doing so in the future.

Why this is a big deal i'll never know but I'll post again because I need to test my sig =p.

So lets party.
GY camping ain't fun at all, and it just makes you look very VERY bad. If you want to ruin your reputation then sure go for it.

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