
I got this issue. I always want to make more twinks... after I have created a new twink, I play on him for a week or so, then I see another class in WSG and do some research and stuff, and want to make that class. This has resulted in me having... hmm... 10 twinks or so. What should I do to prevent myself from creating more? :confused:
Yeah I've had that temptation too but I've always fought it. I'm assuming you're just craving change. So change it up, there are other ways to do that besides re rolling the FOTM.

There's tons of different things you can change.




Or just go Achievement Hunting.
I guess that could work, but some times I make a new twink even before I have gotten all my gear... :S

also, I might as well make a shammy twink, if I do I have made a twink of every class >.< but I'll try your ideas first I think
I know your problem as I've had it with other online games I've played, but once you start making alts it's hard to stop. I say pick one class, delete all your other twinks and focus on that one class.

Don't level any maxed out twinks because you're 'done' as your skill at playing them can always become better. Make your own challenges in BGs (for instance try to down 2 or more people at once) and do some achievements. I can play my twink all day without entering a BG and I only have my 19 rogue. Aim to be the best; you'll only get there if you play one twink otherwise you'll lose your routine very quick.

I wish you good luck mate, roll rogue! =P
unfortunately this is something i have trouble with too...i've just gotten back into my priest, and i'm already thinking 4 twinks down the road before ive even done a single BG on my priest!! still working on "3.1-ing him"

I just keep fighting the urge to make more, also cause my server is full...but ive thought about rolling on different servers just for twinking...its a hard thing to push away D:
Rayu said:
Aim to be the best; you'll only get there if you play one twink otherwise you'll lose your routine very quick.

I disagree, you cannot be the best by playing one class alone. You have to experience every class and understand their strengths and weaknesses. Then you'll be a better player when you fight against them.
I have a finished 29 rogue that Im debating taking to 39. I have a 10 rogue with the Noble title that Im taking to 19. Incoming 39 lock, 29 druid, and possibly a 39 priest.

WTB ulda runs

*edit* I forgot my almost-finished 39 huntard.
sometimes i end up playing twinks that have been benched for awhile if i don't want to play on my 'newer' twinks. usually works out. /shrug
Level a main and try that more actively. Twink brackets (especially 19) are very limited in what you can do. You can wsg, arena, make new gear sets, do useless crap (achievements, titles, tabards, etc), and maybe some world pvp just to mix it up. That really isn't much to do. Most likely you are switching class because you find yourself bored. Well if you have switched class this many times then honestly its probably not the class.. its probably the whole bracket.

So in my opinion start making a main and try each bracket as you level and maybe you'll find one with more variety to keep yourself interested. If not you'll end up at 80 and if you actually put the work into it there is no way you will lose interest in the 80 bracket so fast.

Personally at this point I only twink to be able to play wsg and AB competitively (and the community, but lately I've found it very immature). Other then that everything (arena, pve, class balance, etc) is better at 80, in my opinion.

Btw, I have made I think 8 twinks, but thats over 4 years of twinking. 2 of them were made because my only twink at the time was leveled. 2 were made because my guild moved into a new bracket. 1 was made because we wanted a druid FC over my pally. So I guess I don't really have your problem most of the twinks were made out of necessity (if that at all makes sense in a game).
thx for the good advice's guys. I agree with Rayu, I need to hold onto 1 twink, but, come on... I can't force myself to delete all my twinks but 1, I just can't :S I don't think my problem is making new twinks now, it is just who to play. and atm I'm thinking rogue or warlock. I have put alot of time and effort into my rogue, and she's almost perfected (just need another AGM) Maybe I should try a new specc to spice things up :p
Dude, don't listen to what everyone says. If you enjoy making twinks and making new characters, thats a great thing to do. It's a game, you should be able to do whatever you want.
The biggest problem for me even is i enjoy the collecting and the putting things together more then the final project. Don't get me wrong i love playing my priest but building the priest or twink is the fun part.
I agree with you Elol, I think I'm more into making them than playing them :p Playing my twinks is fun too ofc. @ twinkytoes, I dunno... I just think it's stupid to make new twinks all the time, and I got to do something about it.
Well if your doing it and you don't like it then just don't do it. Just tell yourself how much gold you can be saving and improving your already made twinks with new sets of gear.
Perhaps you just enjoy creating twinks. I know a lot of people who keep making new twinks and barely get 2k HK's on each of them. If that's what you enjoy doing, do it! ;)

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