Obtaining the AGM trinket


I've started thinking about trying to get the Arena Grand Master trinket for my twink, but I'm not really sure of the best way to try. Does anyone have experience doing this on your own? I don't think I'll pester guildies for help. Also, what kind of exp gains can I expect? I have approx. 75% of lvl 19 left.

Thanks for any help
You only get a small bit of XP (550) once.

One thing: BRING FRIENDS. Even with a level 80 to help you, basically you have no chance, there are virtually always 2 or 3 level 80 retards who "want the achievement" boohoo... so you've got to either be very lucky (low pop server or few people trying) or bring 5-6 level 80 friends. I didn't have either option and it took me 1.5 month.
Getting the arena master was huge fun to me. There was always a few alliance 80s there, and I got my second death knight there to help myself. Fighting the alliance players was a great experience.
Things to keep in mind

1. You should set your Hearth stone to Booty Bay and make sure you know how long it takes you to get to the arena.

2. Get to the arena early to scope it out and possibly recruit people to help you, or if you have someone helping make sure you give them sufficient time to get to the arena.

2b. Continuously type /who so you know who is around if there are a bunch of level 80's in STV you should start to worry (this will only show people in your faction)

3. Set loot options to auto loot.

4. The res loot. By dying in the middle of the arena at any time (must have someone kill you) you have the ability to "res ninja" the chest once it drops. If you are a rogue you can just use stealth. This may be the best option to quickly get in and out.

5. Walk and loot solo. Noone else is around? walk in loot trinket.

6. Walk and loot with help (common). Both members of the party stand outside the arena. The goal is to control when you die and res.

6b Have your higher level fake for the chest (walk into the arena and start opening the chest but don't open all the way) to draw out anyone that might be trying to stealth or res ninja. Once they have been drawn out have the higher level kill them if they can then you come in and loot.

6c. You run in to get the chest to draw people out most likely they will kill you. not to worry blizz put a GY right outside simply run back and wait for your higher level friend to take care of the problem! then res and loot the chest.

After looting your first token for your first agm you will need to click on it the token and accept the quest.

You will need 12X tokens for 1 AGM and the chest drops every 3 hours 12-3-6-9-12-3-6-9-12.

AGM gives 825 XP the second AGM gives no XP.

An entire AGM should take about a week (depending on server) if you go every time available. For most people it takes longer because they only go during a couple (1 or 2) times a day or even week. Because you can Q for BG's from anywhere I see no reason you can't just Q from the Arena. Both of my AGM's took about a week. I soloed at least 12 tokens by myself (without asking someone from my guild for help)
Tactic for gnomes to get it alone. Worked on mine:



When chest is not spawned, die at the exact spot where it spawns, run back as a ghost and log out there. Go on another random character in arena to see when the chest spawns. When it's down, log on your gnome, do not move at all, you must be exactly in the chest. Ress and your gnome will be in the chest, very hard to target from distance. This will give you enough time to loot it before others even realize you're there. I got my trinket this way in ~2 weeks.

AoE under chest is only thing that will fuck you up. But if you choose time when there's not so many people, you have a very good chance of getting it.

Sorry for bad English, I hope you understand.
hey that's cool never thought of the gnome trick! This could be useful especially if others are fighting.

I'm really lucky i managed to get mine before achievements arrived, But even then it was a bit of a challenge, Took myself on my mains account and about 5 other Guildys alternatingly helping me, and it jst ended up like a 10 man brawl every 3 hours,

I suggest getting the Late night- Early hour spawns Like the 12 (Midnight) 3,6, and sometimes if lucky even the 9 spawns.

My server was heaving with people who were after it for there twinks or a guildy etc. Eventually i got it after about 6 weeks getting around 2 spawns a week if lucky..

Can't even imagine what like it will be now.

Thanks for all the advice. It sounds like I'm in for an adventure. I'm on a high pop server, but maybe I'll get lucky enough times.
if there is many 80s fighting, you might have a chance. for instance, their fighting away from chest, just hurry down (or ress is your dead) and loot the chest before they notice.

also, you can /who stranglethorn vale, and ask all the 80s for help :)
I've been one trinket away from my AGM for a while now, every single time there's a level 80 or 2 waiting for it. The problem with the smaller groups is I've got noone to interrupt them while I ninja the trinket. Guess I'll just have to wait a while and get lucky enough to go when noone else wants it.

It's not too hard though, and much easier now you can queue from there.
This is correct, I guess I will spend a long time queueing WSG in that arena :p

Also people can rez right next to the Arena now due to a new, close GY. This actually enables people to chain-rez and interrupt your opening, if there are 2 or more non-retards in the arena, even level 1, you can never open it even if you have 40 level 80's with you :(
working on this right now, have 4 as of this post. 3 of them were unchallenged--no one in the area. otherwise i just watch the bloodfest :)

the only thing about queuing up for BGs there is when i return i still have the 5 min pvp flag, and have gotten ganked in the stands. what also is of interest is getting offed by a latecomer as i'm leaving the arena floor after looting the chest
If there are only lower level people in the arena, you can bring your main there and just leave him on the middle of the arena to scare the lower levels off, then Alt+f4 out of the game(this is important as it will leave your main ingame for ~2 minutes), then log onto your twink and grab it. If this works properly the lower level people will be too scared to enter the arena as it looks like there's a level 80 there waiting to kill them.
In my time twinking, I have obtained 3 AGMs, mostly working on my own. I think I might know a few good strategies, and I'm certainly willing to share them.

1. Keep your character parked at the arena, and make an effort to log on for every spawn. If you are still in school, this can work fine on nights where you have to study, as each spawn takes ~5 minutes of your time, and you can get back to work asap.

2. When trying to get AGM on your own, it is almost a necessity to die in the arena beforehand, as rezzing and stealing does work. The best way to do this is after you go for an agm, you let whoever is still lingering around kill you and run your ghost back on top of your body, and then log out. Keep this strategy, and you can always log in and be ready to roll in seconds.

3. Learn the best way to steal an AGM. 80s will be there to fight over it, and on my server I can sometimes get it while they are fighting. It takes some experience to know when the right time to spawn is, but here are some tips:

- One of the 80s is almost dead, and is running out of the arena. The other 80 pursues him, leaving the chest open.

- The 80s manage to kill each other (obvious, but this has happened to me before.)

- The 80s are distracted with each other, and fighting on the side of the arena. Also works well when they aren't facing you, so they don't see you spawn.

-Pretty much, whenever you think they are distracted enough to miss you pop out.

4. Always have auto-loot on and ensure you have 5 bag slots in your bag available. As you loot the chest, bring your cursor to the top center of the screen, where the "Are you sure you want to loot this?" button will appear. With practice, you will know where this button is and be able to click it lightning speed.

5. If only one 80 is there, and he begins to open the chest, do not lose hope! about 7-8 seconds in, you should pop out and disrupt him, and let him kill you. You never know when someone is running late, and this slight delay could allow a fight between the 80s, and you can use strategies listed in 3 to try and get it.

6. DON'T LOSE HOPE! Getting my first agm on my own took the better part of three months, when I was a noob and didn't know what I was doing. It's really a small amount of time if you leave your character there, and make an effort to go on whenever the chest spawns.

Obviously the fastest way is to hire guards or get some friends, but it possible to get AGM on your own. I can attest to that =).


Alright, I just got my first chest looted. Looks like midnight might be a good time for my server. No one was there.

Now, I need to talk to Short John Mithril correct? Is he anywhere else in STV, or do I just wait for him to spawn in the arena?
pretty sure he's always right there in the arena bleachers.

Just got my shaman's AGM with no help. took while just camp on off hours and que for bgs from gurubashi. Makes it go alot faster.
right click on the token that you looted, will give you a quest. He is in the stands in the back of the arena

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