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  1. Canceled Account, Not Enough Players In This Bracket

    Nope no it's not. That actually just says that the only bug was a display issue and the BG would still pop. That doesn't say they're randomizing the random queue. It says nothing of the sort. Le sigh.
  2. Canceled Account, Not Enough Players In This Bracket

    I did indeed get into that EOTS. I don't want you guys to think that I want to quit. I really don't but I just want some active queues. That was my first game in 3 weeks. Where's the bug fix you're referring to?
  3. Canceled Account, Not Enough Players In This Bracket

    Yes, 7 people, one server, queued, as a guild, waiting for a pop. It's half a WSG requirement.
  4. Canceled Account, Not Enough Players In This Bracket

    Alright but I'm not just making one or two games, I'm not making any games : \ I can't keep anyone interested in my guild for 60 twinking because no one has the patience to sit in queues for hours at a time (no, not random queues) and not have anything pop. Even my best mate doesn't have the...
  5. Canceled Account, Not Enough Players In This Bracket

    I'm just going to call BS here on you. I sit in queue for hours on end with my guildmates (had a lovely record 12 hour wait from 9-9 with one guy) and nothing ever ever happened. I'm in queue at peak hours every single day. Nothing ever pops. I see the queue time change (which I assume means...
  6. Canceled Account, Not Enough Players In This Bracket

    There aren't enough people in this bracket to justify me keeping my account open. As I only play for 60 twinking, I'm closing both my accounts. If this bracket picks up within the next month, I'll come back. When I say 'pick up,' I mean that there are queues every day, at least twice a day...
  7. Read before you decide to play the 60-64 bracket.

    And I'll never be able to compete with that Tier 3, thanks for the salt in my paper cuts you have inflicted. Your point that you think 64s will automatically dominate all 60s is still invalid.
  8. Way to test if ques are ACTUALLY bugged! I need your help! [US]

    I'm here every night anyways with this running in the background...Wednesdays would be best for me I spose. Already got a GM to confirm it's buggy though. He wouldn't tell me if they were going to fix it though.
  9. Average Wait Time Explanation Needed

    After 7 different tickets indeed.
  10. Average Wait Time Explanation Needed

    I got a GM to finally admit (after seriously 7 different tickets) that the 60-64 bracket is indeed broken. He wouldn't say how or explain anything else though. Just said 'we're aware.'
  11. Average Wait Time Explanation Needed

    This thing has to be screwing with me. It is popping from unavailable, to 56 minutes, to 33 mins, to 22 mins, to 3 mins, to 4 mins, to unavailable, and then back and forth again, without a BG ever seeming to pop. This is after I've been in queue for about 3 hours. Are BGs really popping, or is...
  12. * Looking to start new Horde 60 guild.

    Yeah, pretty sure he's US. Also he asked for a specific server to organize world pvp events. In that case it would matter on the server.
  13. Read before you decide to play the 60-64 bracket.

    Glad I'm not the only one showing some animosity here to this post. My 60 twinks go toe to toe with the 70 twinks to put them in their place and show them how badly they suck. The level difference here is not much to consider.
  14. * Looking to start new Horde 60 guild.

    I'd promise you active pvp any day of the week if you came to Rexxar. I would love a horde guild to spar with. Also the queues have to still be broken. The queue times jump around and go to unavailable with nothing happening and 9 guildies queued up but nothing ever pops....
  15. Read before you decide to play the 60-64 bracket.

    I'm going to go ahead and say that : 1. We have the people but queues still seem to be borked. 2. With that amount of stm gems, you're going to be absolutely pathetic. This person would never kill me. Bruunhild @ Rexxar - Game - World of Warcraft Come at me bro.
  16. Vote For Exp Off Here Peoplez

    Keep voting people! I'd love for people to see that we're still around.
  17. * Looking to start new Horde 60 guild.

    My suggestion would be to hop on over to the guild recruitment area, or scroll down these forums and find the 60 twink guild list. Then make a toon on each of the servers, find and contact the guild leaders on the alliance side to see how active they are, and try to break it down from there...
  18. Best Guild Names?

    That's a pretty good example. I usually get something along the lines of 'Twinks ruin BGs,' 'Twinks are for those who suck at 85,' and 'TWINKSLOLOLOL.' The ruder comments I'll keep to myself.
  19. Race Change + Tf quest

    It's probably referring to all quest items, not all items that you have in your possession. If that was the case, no one would ever change.
  20. :US: For ALL 60-64 US Twinks

    I'll be sure to spread the word to my guildmates to keep an eye on this.