Vote For Exp Off Here Peoplez

If only we could surpass rated arena. Thank god most of the WoW community are mouthbreathers who both fear, and suck at, PvP. At least thats my take on the "badass" sounding comment being the highest rated when the areas where there is real competetive play makes up a small percentage.

We're almost tied with Endgame Arena!
BUMP. If you don't vote don't even THINK about calling yourself a twink. This is a FANTASTIC chance for twinks to be heard and make some noise to Blizzard ON THEIR OWN POLL. This could be the best thing you ever do in your entire LIFE, not just wow. Like even more so than winning the Nobel Peace Prize (lul) or ending world hunger.


Edit: "Come on twinks, keep voting, I know you're out there! And for the record, I bet 20-25% of the people posting here have twinks and play them, even if the numbers do not say so. Ask 100 twinks if they have a main that they PvP on. I bet at least 80 of them say yes, and lots of them probably voted accordingly, be it wargames, arenas, etc. This poll is asking for one's favorite or preferred avenue of PvP which doesn't even come close to getting a proper estimate on how many of us twinks there actually are."

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