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  1. Free Stuff on Gurubashi

    Message Smoobies. I don't have a schedule I can follow to meet as of now but if you send me an in-game message I can follow up.
  2. Free Stuff on Gurubashi

    I am quitting the game. Anybody on Gurubashi that wants free stuff let me know. I have full gear for all classes 29 bracket and others.
  3. Which 2-hander for ret pally?

    Left Arm.... hands down
  4. Plains Ring: Insane to try and farm it?

    True, the charged ring drops every time for me in Gnomer! All of my twinks have it. Never have a problem finding the proper combination of stats for what ever class I have.
  5. New To Twinking Need A Few Questions Answered.

    Totally agree. Makes a HUGE difference
  6. Rate the Druid-

    Without Druids, Twinks would be broken !
  7. Plains Ring: Insane to try and farm it?

    I have a friend that tried to farm it and went bonkers himself. Seems to be a very very rare drop. IMO, not worth the time
  8. Plains Ring: Insane to try and farm it?

    On my server there is a plethora of Plains Rings on the AH for around 20g each. I would just wait to see one there.
  9. Deadman's Hand

    I too have lost count how many times I have run SM for the ring. Nothing yet.
  10. Rogues: Weapon Enchants

    Agreed, this is what I use
  11. Changes affecting 29 twinks in Patch 3.1 (Comprehensive)

    Thanks, I guess I'm not going to complain too much. It's only 100 HP.
  12. Too Much HP as Rogue?

    As soon as I figure out how to use the "My Twinks" link below the avatar I will post one to my Rogue. Name is Leän, Gurubashi Work in progress
  13. Changes affecting 29 twinks in Patch 3.1 (Comprehensive)

    What will happen to those that already have the 100 to chest and are below 30?
  14. Planning 29 Rogue Twink: Thoughts/Opinions

    I plan to personally use Instant on my Main Hand and Crippling on offhand.
  15. Too Much HP as Rogue?

    I was one shotting people last night in WSG. But then again they only had 800 HP.
  16. Too Much HP as Rogue?

    Good afternoon, Is there such a thing as too much hit points for a 29 rogue? I decided to move my 19 rogue to a 29 bracket so I took advantage of the recruit a friend "Grant Level" option to take him to 27. Just hit level 29 and starting the quest in Thousand Needles for the Racer...
  17. Parachute Cloak and BC enchants-

    I personally just put a +70 armor on my Tigerstrike I found in the AH for 15g ! Going on my Ret Pally
  18. Your next twink!

    Just created a Priest and Ret Pally. 10 hours 2 min /played and im level 26 !!! Going for 29 bracket Love that recruit a friend bonus.