Changes affecting 29 twinks in Patch 3.1 (Comprehensive)

Kylaahna said:
You will see the enchant [+100HP] on your chest item, but you will not get the Hit Point count because you are not level 30, so saying that, the enchant is useless and does not give you the stats until you level to the item it requires, Level 30+.

Thanks, I guess I'm not going to complain too much. It's only 100 HP.
Mangone said:
Thanks, I guess I'm not going to complain too much. It's only 100 HP.

If it's only about this single enchant then it's not much. But also very senseless in the light of the BoA shoulder enchant and grandfathered profession buff fiasco. But if they do this for all enchants from skill level 250-300 then the lower brackets will become a hunter/rogue/pala wasteland.
No Mojo said:
If it's only about this single enchant then it's not much. But also very senseless in the light of the BoA shoulder enchant and grandfathered profession buff fiasco. But if they do this for all enchants from skill level 250-300 then the lower brackets will become a hunter/rogue/pala wasteland.

Exactly. This could also affect 29's if they do the same with the Burning Crusade enchants.
Ammunition: All types of gun and bow ammunition now stack to 1000. All quivers and ammo pouches no longer provide haste. 15% ranged haste is now built in to Hunter Autoshot.

More haste, more bag space.

Call Stabled Pet: This new ability lets the hunter remotely access the stable. 30 min cooldown.

Wonder if this can be used during a BG.

Cunning, Ferocity and Tenacity pets now all have +5% damage, +5% armor and +5% health bonuses.

Pets normalized.

Viper Sting re-designed: Stings the target, draining 4% of mana over 8 sec (up to a maximum of 8% of the caster's maximum mana), and energizing the Hunter equal to 300% of the amount drained. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target.

Mana Drain!
exorcism is now a pvp nuke?

correct me if i'm wrong about these effects

*holy paladins will become a lot better at all brackets (i like)

*29 and 39 pallys now have a finishing nuke of their own, though not as god as HoW (not sure how i feel about that)

*49 and above paladins get to nuke the shit out of any target with 20% or less health (good god)

the third point kind of scares me. to be honest this may further skew the disproportionate amount of paladins already in the BGs.
Note: [item]Glyph of Exorcism[/item] currently makes exorcism an interrupt.

Calm down, paladins don't get their own Earth Shock. The glyph is also being changed, to increasing damage by 20%.

My above third point i even scarier with this point, though.
Note: [item]Glyph of Exorcism[/item] currently makes exorcism an interrupt.

Calm down, paladins don't get their own Earth Shock. The glyph is also being changed, to increasing damage by 20%.

My above third point i even scarier with this point, though.
where does it say

where exactly does it say in the PTR that players with naxx shoulder enchants will lose their effects and players with 450 gathering professions will lose their rank 6 abilities?
Nerosaturine said:
where exactly does it say in the PTR that players with naxx shoulder enchants will lose their effects and players with 450 gathering professions will lose their rank 6 abilities?

Not stated anywhere (that I know of) but those of our community that have 450 gathering skills have found that they are now disabled and not downgraded (can anyone confirm the downgrading part is true from the last PTR patch? I know it was two weeks ago) and while all the leg/shoulder enchants are still there and "Green" (aka- look active as apposed to red/grey) when you remove the gear in question, there is no visible stats change. I think it’s safe to assume that they are retroactively placing level limits on all the gear enhancements in question.
Nerosaturine said:
enough said

Oooookay. Would you feel better if I said "Blizzard seems to be looking at retroactively placing level limits on all the gear enhancements in question."

Jez. Trying to be a helpful resource here.
So, if they do wipe out the leg enchants, would some of the quest leg rewards (BoP) be better than Trollsbane or Petrelspill leggings?

If so then newer twinks will have an advantage.....

Also Does it mean current worn shoulders with the WG enchants on them will still show the enchant but it just wont add the benefit?

so it seems hunters are being nerfed, when u say "-Improved Wing Clip: Removed (Beast Mastery)


Does that mean its not available at all?

It seems like my hunter wont enjoy kiting as much and wont be as durable against rogue attacks, But my rogue will have a better time in killing hunters.

I also saw in the 39 section that rocket boots CD is going to be "15" OMG.. if thats true.

Pallies getting buffed ?? thought they were OP already.
tragic said:
So, if they do wipe out the leg enchants, would some of the quest leg rewards (BoP) be better than Trollsbane or Petrelspill leggings?

If so then newer twinks will have an advantage.....

Also Does it mean current worn shoulders with the WG enchants on them will still show the enchant but it just wont add the benefit?

Short answer- Yes and yes, that is, if Blizzard follows what they're doing in the PTR. I believe that there is a "pants post 3.1" guide on one of the Forums (a little help? at work ATM) and the same will be true for shoulders as well (I'm so kicking myself for selling off my Watchman Patrons now!) as for the soon-to-be-disabled item enhancements, it’s must easier, time-conducive and requires less “policing” for Blizzard to leave all the “offending” enhancements in place (leg patches, librams, shoulder inscriptions and selected enchants) and disable them in the code, than to physically remove them. See Drayer’s main page post for the most recent PTR gear enhancement news.

Can't help you on the rest-
So I have a Libram of constitution sitting in my soon to be 29 priests bank, should I sell that now while it's still going for 400g or wait and see and possibly sell for 10g when it becomes basically useless...
Will these changes prevent the old school MC enchants from being on twinks. It seems that what they are goign to do is basically make twinks REALLY old school. No more BOE legs with enchants....everything will be from running instances now (which i actually like) and even though some people think that making dmg dealers will be the only way to go i a healer will be THAT much more important, because with all the stam available to twinks recently the only way a healer could do anything that worth while to you is to use there biggest heal (in the 29 brackets anyways) and now they can heal more like they should have been in the first place and there heals will hit you for more than just 2% of your health.

Now dont get me wrong, this also means that those that dont have the patience to make their twink the best (usually baddies as well) will be able to make twinks, but isnt that what twinking is all about...leveling the plaing field across the board. I think now skill be be even more prevelent because gear wont be THE issue...just A issue.

just my 2 cents.
Letsbfriends said:
Will these changes prevent the old school MC enchants from being on twinks. It seems that what they are goign to do is basically make twinks REALLY old school. No more BOE legs with enchants....everything will be from running instances now (which i actually like) and even though some people think that making dmg dealers will be the only way to go i a healer will be THAT much more important, because with all the stam available to twinks recently the only way a healer could do anything that worth while to you is to use there biggest heal (in the 29 brackets anyways) and now they can heal more like they should have been in the first place and there heals will hit you for more than just 2% of your health.

Now dont get me wrong, this also means that those that dont have the patience to make their twink the best (usually baddies as well) will be able to make twinks, but isnt that what twinking is all about...leveling the plaing field across the board. I think now skill be be even more prevelent because gear wont be THE issue...just A issue.

just my 2 cents.

Just wanted to point out; I'm generally a Holy paladin, and my 420 flash of light crits (every 1.5 seconds) heal the average twink for a bit more than 2% of their health... 15% more like. What people are talking about is a scenario like this: With the loss of, in some cases, 500-600 health, my paladin would be at 1200 health (or somewhere around there). My rogue will also be at that amount of health, but my paladin will also lose 35 spellpower.... 1/5 of my total Spellpower... whereas my rogue will lose a grand total 20 agility (that's including my 8 agi libram) which is what... some crit and 20 AP? When I'm sitting at 400 AP unbuffed? Not too big of a hit, so my backstabs will be critting for 500-600 still, which means... a cheap shot, and a single kick will assure that if my rogue vsed my paladin, my pally wouldn't even be able to get off a heal before dying. ~Compare it to a full S5 Rogue keeping a newly level 80 holy priest stunned until they're dead (not a difficult thing to do). That will be the general state of the twink healer if the leg patches/librams/BoA shoulder enchants get nerfed.

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