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  1. Holypowah

    5.2 making prot pally OP?

    There probably is but there isn't any proof.
  2. Holypowah

    5.2 making prot pally OP?

    What a delightful response.
  3. Holypowah

    5.2 making prot pally OP?

    Back in Cata, warlocks didn't even have burst at this level; most of their damage came from DoTs. Burst is a new thing for warlocks in MOP now that destructo can do alot of damage in a short amount of time.
  4. Holypowah

    5.2 making prot pally OP?

    Rogues have no gap closers so you can kite them forever. For warriors, just cc them and don't let them get close to you(they charge you blink). Monks may be a bit hard because they have super speed and brewmaster has a endless snare but I believe it's possible.
  5. Holypowah

    5.2 making prot pally OP?

    Warlocks improved damage wise in MOP, Dpriests have always been OP and right now with the penace damage, they are broken. Elemental Shamans are a excellent support class that got a survival buff in MOP. Keep in mind that casters at this level have a 10 hit trinket while melee doesn't.
  6. Holypowah

    5.2 making prot pally OP?

    It's funny because when mages and warlocks are played well, they can beat warriors, rogues and monk without breaking a sweat.
  7. Holypowah

    5.2 making prot pally OP?

    While I don't know much about mages, one class does not not make all low level casters underpowered and im sure destructo just got a damage buff. The unreasonable hit-cap in 5.2 is a bug.
  8. Holypowah

    5.2 making prot pally OP?

    My point still stands. MOP hasn't been mean to low level casters. Hell, warlocks have been MUCH better because of MOP.
  9. Holypowah

    5.2 making prot pally OP?

    I've seen 24 mages instantly crit 1k with a Pyroblast.
  10. Holypowah

    5.2 making prot pally OP?

    Locks(destructo) have very good burst and CC.
  11. Holypowah

    5.2 Thread

    Remove Boas before you enter a BG then equip them after you entered. I think that stops weird stat problems.
  12. Holypowah

    5.2 making prot pally OP?

    Warlocks have high burst and mages....1k crits yah... Keep in mind that those classes aren't that bad.
  13. Holypowah

    [MOP] F2P Shaman guide

    Re: F2P Shaman guide Ugh, can't think of anything to update.
  14. Holypowah

    5.2 making prot pally OP?

    Apart from Warlocks, Spriests, Mages, Priests, Shaman Healing and Druids.
  15. Holypowah

    R.I.P Rumsey Rum Black Label

    Rest in pieces.
  16. Holypowah

    5.2 making prot pally OP?

    It wasnt OP at 4.3 or 5.04
  17. Holypowah

    No heirloom shields :(

    Ugh...I will never be BIS until about next expact huh? /cry
  18. Holypowah

    Hunter vs pally

    Bskull55 casts Raise Dead.
  19. Holypowah

    No heirloom shields :(

    Ughhh I was so excited when I could get a good shield for prot. /cry
  20. Holypowah

    No heirloom shields :(

    F**King hell