5.2 making prot pally OP?


Git Gud
this what i've done on a guy in a bg with avenger shield
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it usually hit 600-700 max unbuff but now it seem a bit OP for me


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Damage in general is too high right now, but physical damage classes seem to be at the top of the food chain.
Pallies have been OP just as long as hunts have it's just that you didn't hear complaining about pallies everyday cause hunts took all the attention..

Also don't tell me dmg is to high right now.. Beside the stupid spriest buff dmg is where it should be. I can come close to kill good healers (except priests) and other dps still can kill me if they open. Dps seems right about even and healers were knocked off their perch so everyone will reroll a dps spec now or a priest.

Edit: the hunter likes bursty environment.. Go figure :rolleyes: I've been crit for 900+ multiple times by warriors so this maybe a good patch for them
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hmm I had to log in and make my own post I did do an armory search

The player was a lvl 24 and had 16 resilience from insignia+inherited mark of tyrrany(8+8) so...with 50% dmg reduction you are hititng 1.1k avengers. And you arent glass cannon, like Kale who has GF legs, 1 str enchant, pvp sword for max str and wears a 7 str ring. So 1250 is probably posible if not more.Also what was the max Holy Wrath crit you seen? 600ish?

And one last thing. Were you buffed with any Elixirs of giant growth/crystal of ferocity or did you at least have the berserking buff?
It wasnt OP at 4.3 or 5.04

yep. cuz an ability that hits as hard an ambush on a 15 sec cd from a mail user, that as two oh shit buttons, a flash heal, and an instant heal was never OP. +10
i respec'd to RET the other night and was completely frustrated. I do not recommend. Roll Arms Warrior for a challenge.

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