5.2 Thread

Remove Boas before you enter a BG then equip them after you entered. I think that stops weird stat problems.
I'm still seeing this :( I just tested it and Im missing with 38 hit. (it says I have 34 in the screeny but I have 38 with cloak equiped)

View attachment 1545

WTF!!!! Is this like only ele shammies or what?

I have to take my back post, it's completely broken (I have 0.31% miss chance with the 14 hit i usually roll around with) and I missed every single pet nova, every second nova, about every fifth frostbolt in 1 bg - even more against 24s - what I can say is that, if fixed, the new spell hitcap WILL be 15 and, that I don't have problems with my BoAs afaik, I will check this tomorrow tough.
any idea what this hotfix was for ?

F2P-relevant changes in the hotfix from March 6th:

General: Shadow Word: Pain now deals 25% more damage.

Assassination: Assassin's Resolve now increases the Rogue's damage by 25% (was 20%).
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I can confirm that, glowing shard dropped for me just yesterday, too. No quest though- Think I'm gonna ask a gm and then let you guys know
wowhead says quest is obsolete. i just got a shard too, trashed it after i checked wh.
Mages - if you want to not miss anything have these 3 items... 'Rune of Perfection' 'Staff of the Elder' 'Flying Tiger Goggles'... I have these equipped and I never miss a spell! hope this helps.

Those 3 items add up to 21+ Hit

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