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  1. Alliance is really pissing me off

    I do enjoy my "d-baggery". You'd be suprised how many people i got to hate me on one of my twinks by throwing a /lol at them at least once a fight.
  2. Alliance is really pissing me off

    If its upsetting then ignore it, guess ill go back to my old one " Solve two of the worlds problems at once: Feed the homeless to the hungry."
  3. Alliance is really pissing me off

    Ok so apparently it wasnt alliance on Limþs name cause i just tried changing it to þooþ and it says "names may only contain letters", but they are still responsible for my forum ban.
  4. Alliance is really pissing me off

    First they report my name and sig (Critøris and " abortion brings out the inner child in you") and i get a week long forum ban, now my 39s name of Limþ is flagged for rename. Is there anything wrong with the name Limþ? And i know its alliance cause some lame said " Your name and...
  5. Emisary Cuffs of Stamina

    A little health and a tad more armor is not enough reason to make me go to gnomer, let alone farm it.
  6. Emisary Cuffs of Stamina

    Over the much easier to get black wolf bracers with 8 stam on them?
  7. Emisary Cuffs of Stamina

    Whats great about the bracers?
  8. King

    Well i just found out you get cheap shot at 28 so thats a whole nother thing making me lean towards a rogue, im just gonna miss kidney punch.
  9. King

    Ok so im leveling a hunter for 29 but my friend is makin a rogue and rogues are just too fun not to play, even if i have 2 already. Im torn on which to play, i like playing defense more than anything and i played another hunter at 29 for like a year. Tough choice.
  10. 29 Ambush Rogue

    Making a macro is real easy, just type in /equip (weapon name).
  11. King

    I loved my priest at 29, the biggest problem i had was outliving my mana.
  12. King

    So whats gonna rule this bracket after 3.1? Anything other than still hunters?:confused:
  13. Anyone else think the nerf is fake?

    ill support you Mclovinz, theyve done dumb things in the past. what was thier last joke? the bard as a class?
  14. What the hell

    I have em both on dvd but seeing it on tv makes it better for some reason
  15. What the hell

    If they would put trigun and cowboy bepop back on id be happy
  16. What the hell

    Its some movie called The Room, it has the worst actors you could ever imagine.
  17. What the hell

    is on adult swim right now
  18. Anybody else..

    Everything is way easy, you can start raiding like right as you hit 80. I bought the game the night it was released and i hit 80 that week, its so easy i got bored with it and just ran heroics for badges for the BoAs. And everything is overrun by DKs, like 1 in 4 players is a DK, its old...
  19. Anybody else..

    think this expansion has been a total failure so far?
  20. Kills?

    Ya hunters are way too OP at 19 and 29 these days, i may not go in at 19 cause i wanna find a bracket where there isnt an overly OP class, 49 maybe?