Anybody else..

Grimmjøw said:
think this expansion has been a total failure so far?

i'm liking the way 3.1 is showing up for twinks.

otherwise, i haven't experienced any level 80 content. but i do hear it's not that great. also, i'm not fond of BoAs because it just seems like a gimmick that makes people level to 80.

i just wish we were back in the days where you could join the same AV before and after you went to work/school. the level 60 cap was great. now it's seemingly overrun by DKs and AV isn't what it used to be :(
There is nothing really good about what happend after 3:0 was released hoping 3.1 will improve a bit tobad twinks get a huge nerf:(
Everything is way easy, you can start raiding like right as you hit 80. I bought the game the night it was released and i hit 80 that week, its so easy i got bored with it and just ran heroics for badges for the BoAs. And everything is overrun by DKs, like 1 in 4 players is a DK, its old already.

I cancelled my subscription since the 3.1 notes were like the final straw, im 50/50 on the twink changes but we'll see how it turns out. This expansion just isnt really fun, i honestly think wow is dying. Im just hoping that after enough people quit that theyll get desperate for money and give us preBC realms as a final attempt at gettin customers.
Im not a fan of LK as of yet, im hoping Ulduar will change my views on raiding..which atm is lackluster.

as for the other changes...3.1 is huge, well just have to see how it all pans out.

edit - while WoW could be losing people/money there are many reasons for it, epscially in this recession.

I don't think WoW will ever die, at least not for awhile...sure they could close down servers if they keep losing people..but there is so much content yet to be explored by Bliz.

On top of that..Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 are coming out..which are expected to be huge sucesses.
WoTLK is meh. Both expansions were meh. The talent inflation and wild swings in the PvP balance put a wet blanket over the whole game for me.

In WoTLK, my resto druid got to 1750 spell power pretty quick and all that was left was a bunch of side grades if I didn't want to do 25-mans. Which I don't.

And I'm uninterested in sitting around for an hour trying to get into a group as DPS which my other toons are. No time was put into fixing that classic problem. And no time was put into a real solution for balancing out the horde/alliance on servers.

Did I say meh?
Yeah it fails. PvE in general was easy, now its not even worth your time unless you want achievements and T7.5 to feel you've done something, which you haven't. Basically everything is dumbed down so even the mentally challenged can raid. I'd consider soloing stocks on my 80 paladin harder than WotLK content. It's a bore, a snore. It disgusts me.
IMO the only good things in TBC (for lvl 70 chars) were:

1. Arena season 1 (the most class-ballanced one).

2. Sunwell (it was a very complex and difficult instance - Muru prenerf and KJ were two of the most intensive pve fights that I ever experienced in this game - and I killed those two bosses as server first, playing a DPS-arms warrior - those two fights i will never forget) - oh and in the terms of Muru nerf I mean the first 10% nerf - not the scrub pre-Wotlk patch that destroyed the whole instance and made retards in kara gear kill Brutallus. . . ...

Good things in Wotlk - sry - what???

Naxx is a joke, arena system and class ballance is a joke (cant be arsed to play a DK sozzz...), Wintergrasp is ok, but not 'wooooow'... what else is there??

3.1 is the only good part of the whole lich king failure... I wanted to quit the game srsly, and then read the patch notes, and next day I made a new 49 warr for 3.1 pvp.

As for my main... I miss Ragnaros, miss ZG, miss 3-day zergs in Azshara for the right to kill Azuregos, miss the old AV - 9hr battles, where one well timed intimidating shout could destroy the whole horde deffence line... Miss my rank 14 premades... miss ganking Blackrock Mountain...

I know it may sound sad or pessimistic but for me - everything in this game was destroyed by TBC, and covered in dust by Wotlk.

I dont care that my warr is full t 7.5, dual wielding Betrayers - there is no really big deal about it - everyone can achieve this playing in PUG.

BUT - i still remembet the time i farmed Scarlet Monastery day after day to get cash to craft my Lionheart Helmet, Strongholds, and Arcanite Reaper.

That was something.

Now - only thing that keeps me pleaying are my twinks. Nothing more.

...srsy sorry for that post.
hehe, all that love 60 should uninstall the game, install vanillaversion..And stay 60 forever..!! PING!!idea!!
I will throw a new spin on the thread. I thought the leveling from 70-80 was the best the game has offered. I thought the raid content was visually impressive. If the fights would have been tuned to make them harder it would have been a smash hit. I guess that would be my only complaint. I could complain about Dks, but to be honest I was not interested in the honor grind at 80 after doing it so many times already. Now I just play my twinks instead of it taking me months to get decent gear to then get wrecked by Dks.
That's pretty much why I'm into twinks again Rick.

Btw, you're right. The leveling from 70-80 was the best. Good story-driven leveling.
you can start raiding like right as you hit 80

This is/was a Blizzard goal. To take raiding from being exclusively hardcore, and bring it down a level to where even the casual raiding community can succeed and do well. It was a good thing for the game whether you see it that way or not.

Plus, the people complaining about the ease of Naxx are mostly the people who had experience with the encounters before Wrath came out. For the people who have never danced with Heigan before, the whole thing was pretty badass.

everything is overrun by DKs, like 1 in 4 players is a DK

It only seems that way, and it was expected to (something new and exciting dropped into a popular game.. of course you were going to notice them). FotM classes are always big for a few months. It'll settle down soon enough.

i honestly think wow is dying

Blizzard just topped their previous milestone with subscriptions. WoW is still growing, which is amazing considering how long it's been round and all of the competition that struggles to grow alongside it.

Im just hoping that after enough people quit that theyll get desperate for money and give us preBC realms as a final attempt at gettin customers.

For every person who says they're "going to quit" Blizzard gains another 2-3 people who pick the game up and either start playing for the first time, or decide to come back to the game. A lot more players are coming in to the game than are going out.

Blizzard is raking in money hand over fist.. even in this economy. I very much doubt that they'll get "desperate for money" at any time in the near future.

preBC realms are not a priority at all for Blizzard. They have said this before many times. It's just not profitable for Blizzard to do this. Maybe if you could convince a ton of people to play at an increased price.. (say 45usd/month) then it could maybe approach the level of profit that comes from 11million people buying expansion packs etcetc.

But there have been so many balancing issues that have taken place since BC first landed that raiding at 60 is a joke. The gear is 2x as good. The abilities are 2x as good. The content has roughly stayed the same. The "endgame" would have to be retooled and then you cut into developer/designer/tester time when you could have all those people working on moving the game forward.

Vaneras made a post on this topic back in Sept. 07

uninstall the game, install vanillaversion..And stay 60 forever
Pretty sure this won't work. If your account is upgraded, I don't believe it'll let you play WoW until you DL/patch up to where you've upgraded to. I remember in TBC when I had to reinstall, I couldn't play WoW until after I redownloaded and patched up to BC again and I could play from there.

There might be some folder shenanigans you could play to get around it. Messing with files and/or executables and whatnot..

If you bought a new account, you'd be fine though.
I'm planning on rolling out a new sub. for a classic account to roll 60 with Heralds of Yore


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