Hey everyone i'm a noob to these forums and this is my first post.
I just felt the need to anounce that i have been farming Gnomeregan for about a month now for Charged Gear of Stamina and Emisary Cuffs of Stamina
about half way through the month Charged Gear droped and i was more than happy so anyway i kept trudging along killing Dark Iron Ambassador until.............right now on this DAY IT DROPED!
So whats a site i can link the screenshot on? thats if you guys wanna see it.
It just proves if your commited to getting a piece of gear it will eventually drop THNX!
I just felt the need to anounce that i have been farming Gnomeregan for about a month now for Charged Gear of Stamina and Emisary Cuffs of Stamina
about half way through the month Charged Gear droped and i was more than happy so anyway i kept trudging along killing Dark Iron Ambassador until.............right now on this DAY IT DROPED!
So whats a site i can link the screenshot on? thats if you guys wanna see it.
It just proves if your commited to getting a piece of gear it will eventually drop THNX!