Emisary Cuffs of Stamina

Hey everyone i'm a noob to these forums and this is my first post.

I just felt the need to anounce that i have been farming Gnomeregan for about a month now for Charged Gear of Stamina and Emisary Cuffs of Stamina

about half way through the month Charged Gear droped and i was more than happy so anyway i kept trudging along killing Dark Iron Ambassador until.............right now on this DAY IT DROPED!

So whats a site i can link the screenshot on? thats if you guys wanna see it.

It just proves if your commited to getting a piece of gear it will eventually drop THNX!
Step 1. Save your picture as either a .gif, .jpg, .bmp or .png (I recomend PNG)

Step 2. Go to either www.imageshack.us and upload your picture there OR go to www.photobucket.com, register an account and upload pictures forever. I recomed photobucket

Step 3. Upload the picture and copy the code which should say something like "forum link" it will have [/.img] around it.

Step 4. ????

Step 5. Profit!!
I think this is it : )

Nice dude, consider yourself lucky, loads of people have been doing it for ages and still nothing
Yeh the +8 Stam one droped once and that was kinda gay but i kept going and +9 droped eventually. I'm gonna post in a sec also my bank FULL! of charged gears hehe
Bank and Bag Full over Charged Gears and Emisarys


450 Profs getting nerfed


Naxx chant getting nerfed


Another PIC of Drop and Link


And the bracers are so great for me because they have the most stamina in the 29 bracket.And the boss is a Rare Spawne and the Cuffs don't always drop on it and also on top of all that the cuffs have a random chant on em. Also Emisary Cuffs of the Monkey droped so i'm thinking of making a DPS set.
+7 armor +1 Stam thats...pretty much it *cough*

Oh and THNX luka for telling me how to post pics : )
Grats on the bracers. While I never played 29 on live, I had to summon the mob that dropped the Charged Gear and Emmisary Bracers like a million times on my private server before the ones I wanted dropped.

Games can come down to that extra bit of stam, while only 1 more may seem trivial it can really help some (Esp. after it gets boosts from BoK or Bear Form)

Zuty said:
Grats on the bracers. While I never played 29 on live, I had to summon the mob that dropped the Charged Gear and Emmisary Bracers like a million times on my private server before the ones I wanted dropped.

Games can come down to that extra bit of stam, while only 1 more may seem trivial it can really help some (Esp. after it gets boosts from BoK or Bear Form)


lolwut. Can't you just add gear to your backpack?
And the way i see it if you keep thinking ill put in that Xtra bit of time and effort to get the small ammounts that it will all add up when your gear comes together. I also have 450 mining and 450 herbalism but............we all no whats happening wid that.
iaccidentallytwink said:
lolwut. Can't you just add gear to your backpack?

I can, but the 'Of The' part doesn't work.

So I can type in the ID for the Charged Gear, but it will just have +5 Arc/Nature resistance with no stats and be called Charged Gear.

It really causes some problems.

It actually took me more than a month i'm pretty sure. Never kept track but deffinately over 100 runs for sure.And THNX! : ) i was soooo happy when it droped and reliefed cause i had just hit 27.
I love when people say, "Oh 1 more stam, no big deal."

I've lost/won numerous arena matches on my twinks, as well as on my warrior at 70, due to that 1 more stamina. It's rare, but it happens.

Plus, it shows complete dedication to your twink, you want the absolute best in slot gear you can get so you farm for weeks.
Em cuffs arent really about that 1 extra stam making such a big diff. Theyre about showing off your epeen and perfecting your twink.

Dont get me wrong, I'm all for that. I have 2 pairs of 6/5 em cuffs of the monkey on my rogue, as well as 9 stam em cuffs and a stam gear for FCing. I just call it how I see it, Its not a huge deal if you go with the green bracers with 8 stam.

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