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  1. Arknoodle

    The Old Times and Arenas

    Maybe people just don't like you so they don't invite you to things >.> I'm just kidding come has fun wiff us
  2. Arknoodle

    F2P PVP Server

    No twinking isn't dead but the thing about world pvp is the only thing people do now is the achievement for the bear, and they do that but rarely. Any other kind of world pvp, the stuff I consider world pvp not just achievement running IE hellfire ramparts attacking honor hold trying to wipe...
  3. Arknoodle

    Elemental shamans

    Plays FoTM, gets bored. Plays non FoTM, ragequits. Think im doin it wrong... /edit Also name him Thunderkcuf
  4. Arknoodle

    F2P PVP Server

    It seems like based on what your saying that you don't even know how to read. I however happened to love world pvp when it did live. See it's funny because your whole argument is that blizzard still implements world pvp ingame, which is stupid. That's like saying oh yeah people use ground...
  5. Arknoodle

    F2P PVP Server

    This is reversed. World pvp is dead which I have backed up with descriptions of my in-game experiences on highly populated pvp realms. Saying that it is not dead is an opinion that you vainly hold onto whilst providing no evidence to back it. In the end like I said it's all opinionated because...
  6. Arknoodle

    F2P 2v2 Arena Tournament

    Sadly F2P's cannot arena cross server you would have to move to AP to get in on most of the action. That being said we all know how easy it is to gear and you don't have to be anywhere near BiS to have fun and participate :)
  7. Arknoodle

    Wedding on Aerie Peak: A F2P Love Story

    I will be groom if all members of the community will be my bride. Monogamy FTL!
  8. Arknoodle

    Druid Feral: Weapons=stats only

    It's debatable and in the end both are a negligible difference when playing feral Imo it's a matter of preference
  9. Arknoodle

    Standard Scope

    Wtb site search feature Oh wait....
  10. Arknoodle

    F2P PVP Server

    You can't provide facts for something like that as there isn't a reliable way to gather data, but anyone with eye's that has actually been playing this game since it's release can see that world PvP is dead. It's not a matter of not going out there and doing it myself, it's a matter of NOBODY...
  11. Arknoodle

    F2P PVP Server

    You forgot the 3rd one where Baffi walked in on AP horde capping Halaa and got completely mugged by like 25 AP horde players D:
  12. Arknoodle

    F2P PVP Server

    Um yes it is pointless. World PVP does not exist anymore. End of story. And I'll thank you to not call my statement stupid in a comment that is even more idiotic. It's not a matter of "wanting to get the full potential of pvp" or any of that high handed bullshit. I live and fucking breath PvP...
  13. Arknoodle

    Screenshot Thread!

    Re: Screenshot Thread! That's not itchycoo, it's her DK. Pallys don't have glowing blue eyes :) /edit And I lol'd so hard rhae that is so you >.<
  14. Arknoodle

    F2P PVP Server

    This thread is completely pointless. World PVP has not existed since vanilla, nor is it ever likely to come back.
  15. Arknoodle

    What's in Your Bank?

    Cause I haven't bought any bag slots. All my other toons are similar or even more empty. I run a tight ship :P
  16. Arknoodle

    What's in Your Bank?

    On Baffi
  17. Arknoodle

    PvP music!

    Too late mah dear ;)
  18. Arknoodle

    Swagflagon's Southern Barrens Tours

    What 37 elite? All I've seen mentioned here is a 50 elite and a Fel Reaver....
  19. Arknoodle

    F2P 2v2 Arena Tournament

    We already do all this, the thread is just an added form of communication. Sadly even offering in the AP channels rarely are there any takers but the regulars :(. Play with us people it's not as bad as you think it it's extremely fun!