F2P PVP Server


Howdy all
RetiredNavy@ AP
I Love the community and folks I run BG's with thanks to all who put it together and thanks to MINIMEXX for the INV during a RAND PUG BG I was in...
We NEED a F2P PVP Active Server....
I was happy to find AP and make a toon for the community... but I was let down when i saw it was PVE...
World PVP is what the game is all about! (IMO)
Does Anyone know of a PVP Server with a good turn out of F2P toons... Bleeding Hollow is not one of them!
Did You know while at Guru trying to get your trinkets, on a PVP server you can Fight each other freely and earn Honor while doing it. You don't have to be in the Arena...
If you're Farming Lion Meat and a Horde Runs by you can kill him even if he's a lvl 24 with 800 HP... Matter of Fact camp him 2-3 times just for the honor!
It adds another whole perspective to the game.
What happened to South Shore and STV ??? Major Gank Wars use to happen and WoW took them away... Well, at least South SHore is gone... and on AP (PVE) it doesn't matter.
If you're Farming Lion Meat and a Horde Runs by you can kill him even if he's a lvl 24 with 800 HP... Matter of Fact camp him 2-3 times just for the honor!
There's so many things wrong with this, I don't even know where to begin. I guess I should start by saying, you have no respect for the people you play this game with and as such I have no respect for you.

That being said, there's many reasons why a PvP sever is a very bad idea. The main one being, getting camped by high level players pretty much all of the time. Others include, getting camped by 85s, getting camped by 85s, and... there's always that chance that one of your fellow 20s will camp you too! Good times! ;D
If you weren't playing a stupid OP Hunter, you would know this is a VERY bad idea.
I do not support this idea and I'm quite certain one of the reasons why Aerie Peak was chosen as the F2P because it was a PVE realm.

Players of ANY LEVEL can kill/camp us in contested zones - and after playing WoW for 4 years I know the game is full of 10-year-olds on their 85s who simply cannot resisting oneshotting a lowbie just for kicks and camping them for hours.
I think most will be happy with their home server of choice. As others have replied, getting ganked by 85s would make it an un-enjoyable experience, but also if said 85s were to find out we were doing a little pvp event, I'm fairly sure a select few would find reason to disrupt it because we're not paying for the game. AP just seems a much better idea in comparison.

Also your view on camping is something I disagree with wholeheartedly.
I do not support this idea and I'm quite certain one of the reasons why Aerie Peak was chosen as the F2P because it was a PVE realm.

Well it's not true. I didn't look at the kind of realm but just if we from the EU had stable latency there. Because of this Aty and I decided to go AP and the community was born on AP US.

To get back to OP's question. I believe that it won't work also it can be easilly done on a pve realm if everyone would turn pvp on. People are just not interested in this. We tried.

We have a little community over on The Burning Steppes EU Horde pvp server if you are interested and there are regular level 20 fights at the Arena without 85s. If we have a few more people there it would be interesting to do some more wpvp.

Burning Steppes F2P (in progress)
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Players of ANY LEVEL can kill/camp us in contested zones - and after playing WoW for 4 years I know the game is full of 10-year-olds on their 85s who simply cannot resisting oneshotting a lowbie just for kicks and camping them for hours.

Even on high population PvP realms camping is hardly ever an issue, most 85s stay in cities and queue so they're never out and about to do any camping. Although as Marmalade said if any were to come upon a world pvp event they'd probably gank us all on principle, but I don't know how often one would have the occasion to know where we were. But at any rate all of my non-ap toons are on PvP servers, and they rarely ever come across high level toons of the same faction (much less the opposite faction) in the open world.
Howdy all
RetiredNavy@ AP
I Love the community and folks I run BG's with thanks to all who put it together and thanks to MINIMEXX for the INV during a RAND PUG BG I was in...
We NEED a F2P PVP Active Server....
I was happy to find AP and make a toon for the community... but I was let down when i saw it was PVE...
World PVP is what the game is all about! (IMO)
Does Anyone know of a PVP Server with a good turn out of F2P toons... Bleeding Hollow is not one of them!
Did You know while at Guru trying to get your trinkets, on a PVP server you can Fight each other freely and earn Honor while doing it. You don't have to be in the Arena...
If you're Farming Lion Meat and a Horde Runs by you can kill him even if he's a lvl 24 with 800 HP... Matter of Fact camp him 2-3 times just for the honor!
It adds another whole perspective to the game.
What happened to South Shore and STV ??? Major Gank Wars use to happen and WoW took them away... Well, at least South SHore is gone... and on AP (PVE) it doesn't matter.

I love how people recall "Southshore and Tarren Mill being awesome" as if they ever partook in the them.

It was a laggy, stupid alternative to Battlegrounds that ONLY lasted for 6 months after release, at which point 1.4 and the Honor System was unrolled. No one worth a damn would PvP in cities and risk the setback of a DK after that. Prior to that, PvP was still more centralized in BRM between high level players.

I played primarily PvP servers, but as a twink, there is absolutely no need for that. A single 85 could camp the entire community on fishing day. Bad idea.
I love how people recall "Southshore and Tarren Mill being awesome" as if they ever partook in the them.

It was a laggy, stupid alternative to Battlegrounds that ONLY lasted for 6 months after release, at which point 1.4 and the Honor System was unrolled. No one worth a damn would PvP in cities and risk the setback of a DK after that. Prior to that, PvP was still more centralized in BRM between high level players.
We did them up till the Shattering where they changed hillsbrad and it was always a succes and alot fun for all levels. Server makes a difference. If you stopped doing those because of the honor system or dk's it sounds silly, people had fun doing so for a very long time and its not just limited for the time there were no battlegrounds.

Those fights were awsome, people enjoyed it, it was a monthly thing in wotlk up till the shattering for our server and alot more back in classic and tbc :)
We did them up till the Shattering where they changed hillsbrad and it was always a succes and alot fun for all levels. Server makes a difference. If you stopped doing those because of the honor system or dk's it sounds silly, people had fun doing so for a very long time and its not just limited for the time there were no battlegrounds.

Those fights were awsome, people enjoyed it, it was a monthly thing in wotlk up till the shattering for our server and alot more back in classic and tbc :)

A single DK could ruin your entire week. They were ridiculous on your honor.
There's so many things wrong with this, I don't even know where to begin. I guess I should start by saying, you have no respect for the people you play this game with and as such I have no respect for you.

That being said, there's many reasons why a PvP sever is a very bad idea. The main one being, getting camped by high level players pretty much all of the time. Others include, getting camped by 85s, getting camped by 85s, and... there's always that chance that one of your fellow 20s will camp you too! Good times! ;D

Hang on did you read my FIRST LINE?
I completely respect my fellow F2P folks and I really Enjoy running BG's with them. world PVP is just "part" of the game... You never get camped that often, but it's part of why each faction dislike each other so much.
Ally vs Horde is a WAR it was meant to be, it's FUN wanting to attack others because they're the enemy.
It isn't personal it's a game and
About this comment;
I love how people recall "Southshore and Tarren Mill being awesome" as if they ever partook in the them.

It was a laggy, stupid alternative to Battlegrounds that ONLY lasted for 6 months after release, at which point 1.4 and the Honor System was unrolled. No one worth a damn would PvP in cities and risk the setback of a DK after that. Prior to that, PvP was still more centralized in BRM between high level players.

I played primarily PvP servers, but as a twink, there is absolutely no need for that. A single 85 could camp the entire community on fishing day. Bad idea.
What? LOL!!! Really? LOL!!!
Anyways, when your in STV or South SHore or the now Flooded Race Track north of Tanaris and youre questing minding your own business and get camped and it is more than 1 or 2 times... you PM one of your Friends,
He brings his 80++ down and kills the camper... or I'd Log on to my 80 Lock and kill the camper a couple times and leave him parked there for quick switch if it happened again.
Then...... he PM's his buddy and now you have 2 80's fighting 2 80's and it turns out to be a Guild War.... next thing you know there's a whole raid put together and people just having fun participating in it...
It is truly part of the game... I can see a fishing disaster, but that guy would get killed by the bruisers any how... it would still screw up the day... but ive never seen it happen either.
Please do not take this as I am some kind of bully, Im not... but as a F2P that is ALL you have is PVP whether in lowbie arenas or bgs it is ALL PVP... You are getting geared the BiS top to bottom so you can KILL the ENEMY.
You want MAX health on your lvl 20 so you don't DIE While PVPing....
if you don't like the idea of PVP, Then F2P isn't for you... I suppose you could spend all your time looking for Achievs... but questing and raiding eventually come to and END after awhile only so many times you can run Stocks before getting bored. simple instances are Not really a Raid anyhow... Raiding takes planning and organizing... try P2P awhile Looking for 2 tanks 4 heals and 4 ranged DPS.... then worry about 1 tank be a druid so he's getting leather drops, Healers are druid shammy pally and a priest so they're going for different gear...
then it takes 2-4 hours to complete then someone needs to go and you need a replacement.... that's raiding...
We are here to PVP and have fun, that's all no biggie... this forum wasn't meant to offend anyone or start an argument...
And Mailo a completely geared Pally that CAN Play his toon and I'm seeing Druids too... but primarily Pallys are more OP than Hunters and ALWAYS Have been since the inception of Pallys. Go one on one with a pally much harder to kill than a hunter who can't heal himself and wear plate... In BGs or Arenas maybe Hunters are a little OP because of Ranged attacks... but in World PVP 1 on 1... not so much. As a Senior Twink here Im surprised about the OP comment. This wasn't about OP Hunters in BGs...
I don't think you understood properly. No one here is saying they don't like pvp. They're saying the idea of unfair (i.e, pvp you have no chance of winning) is not most people's idea of fun.

Can you imagine trying to get a fishing hat when there are 85s attempting to win the tourney around you? They'll kill you for looking at their pool, and that can't exactly be fun.
This thread is completely pointless. World PVP has not existed since vanilla, nor is it ever likely to come back.

It really doesn't matter whether the server is PvP or PvE. Even on PvP realms, world PvP doesn't exist today like it did in vanilla. As you can see, although this is a PvE server, the Gurubashi Arena is as lively as ever simply due to the fact that Aerie Peak is such a populated F2P setting. Ironically, you wanted to buy gold to get an 85 to help you get your AGM yet you're here now saynig that we need a PvP server.
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World PvP can't exist in a game where one endgame character can fly anywhere in the world in a matter of minutes, thanks to having a 300% flying mount, and then guild summon an entire raid to their location, with no assistance. Low level areas no longer have the protection that they did in vanilla, where only the highest levels had fast land mounts, and no-one could fly (unnless they had the flight points, that they would need to discover), especially not right into low level areas.

Even in EVE:Online, where the line that is given to anyone complaining about unfairness in PvP is 'Harden the fuck up', players cannot hot-drop a fleet of supercarriers and titans into an area that is intended for newer players, who can only fly frigates. And you can't corpse camp someone either, because they respawn at their specific home station, out of thousands of possibilities, when you kill them.

WoW is one seriously fucked up joke when it comes to PvP, and I'm sure the developers are just as socially deficient as a lot of the players, otherwise they wouldn't be so eager to give them as many opportunities to be as obnoxious as possible to each other as they have.

'It's just a game' is a pathetic excuse for bad behaviour. Football is just a game, but if you behaved like many do in online gaming, the referee would have you sent off, and you could even be banned for the season. Just because you can get away with behaving a certain way, because you are playing an online game, does not mean that that behaviour is acceptable, and you are not a socially deficient a-hole.
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This thread is completely pointless. World PVP has not existed since vanilla, nor is it ever likely to come back.

This thread is not pointless at all. We are talking about f2p and their possibilities to pvp and have more fun with our toons wich the (AP) community clearly doesnt want to. They dont want to get the full potential out of pvp (this is maby the part wich makes it pointless, to much people like you and thinking its dead). Saying something stupid like you just did above makes people lesser interested and what ever more.

1. Wpvp didnt die in vanilla.
2. Wpvp never died nor removed from the game and never will.

It did for you perhaps but there are loads of people still doing this, what you wrote is just your opinion and not based on anything else it seems.
this thread:

op find a fun pvp server and Ill roll a druid, ive got access to a p2p account as well so a dk could be rolled there too
1. Wpvp didnt die in vanilla.
2. Wpvp never died nor removed from the game and never will.

It definitely died for many reasons. If you disagree, you probably haven't played during vanilla. If people want to PvP so much or "get the full potential out of pvp" like you said, they should be more interested in arena.
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