Search results

  1. Ilvl 50 f2p gear

    You can get lvl 27 gear in Azuna, or lvl 26 everywhere else (epic random boost after finishing quests). Lvl 33 for weapon and shield will still be obtainable after nerv for making heart of azhara quest chain (and epic random boost).
  2. EU+US Love Is In The Air

    I got 2 necklaces after about 15 to 20 runs, and it were the only 2 important ones for me :)
  3. EU+US Stranglethorn Vale Fishing Possibly Returning?

    I got Keefer's Angelfish AND Dezian Queenfish today.
  4. EU+US STV fishing tournament

    Tomorrow there is no Tourny, look on the calendar.
  5. Prince Thunderaan vs a raid of 20s

    Forget it. Past 6.0 you can't hit high level mobs anymore.
  6. Are battlegrounds dead since 6.0.2?

    I can't play any battleground on EU since 6.0.2. No bg pops up anymore, no matter if i queue random or specific ones. Is it just me? Whats the reason?
  7. List: Crossrealm Server Groups and Connected Realms

    I also guess so, since 6.0.2 PVP NEVER pops up on Madmortem.
  8. Day Of The Dead Tip:

    You can also do it in Shattrath or Dalaran.
  9. Cataclysm Raids!

    Throne of the four winds is also possible. This guy made empowered-spiritualist. So is it also possible to get into scarlet monastery again, maybe hero with f2p dk?
  10. Cataclysm Raids!

    That would be awesome, i'll try this on weekend.
  11. Cataclysm Raids!

    requires level 40 - so, no way 4 f2p's.
  12. Did 5.4 make us Cata accounts?

    Yes i meant exploration. It's true that you can be summoned, but i tried the "warlock way" first and it worked. Which way is faster? I guess it depends on your realm.
  13. Did 5.4 make us Cata accounts?

    Totally wrong. You need Deepholm, but not Tol Barad!
  14. Did 5.4 make us Cata accounts?

    On Sunday i soloed the exploration archievment in deepholm in about 4 hours. Also Cata exploration done now. You'll need a nice warlock, plus summon partners, to get there, but then no additional help is needed. Just go to any capital city and let any p2p make a post in the capital channel for...
  15. Error 105 since 5.4

    I'm on XP SP3 and ADSL with 16 Mbit download speed. No workaround helps so far.
  16. Error 105 since 5.4

    Like i mentioned in my first post, i tried this already with no luck.
  17. Error 105 since 5.4

  18. Error 105 since 5.4

    I have no router. I guess blizz changed something on the server side after the patch.
  19. Error 105 since 5.4

    no new info in this post, tyramissoux.
  20. Error 105 since 5.4

    I am getting error 105 since patch 5.4 went live, and i can't log in anymore. I tried every hint available (no virus, no problem with av software/firewall, deleting and agent folder, resetting interface, deletion of addons, reinstalling,...) nothing worked, and i didn't chance...