the F2P PvEr
Achievements - Community - World of Warcraft This guy has in his feed that he has done Blackwing Descent. Any other cata raids we can enter now?
Anyone knows what reputations are in those raids?
Omg, nice find we will put good use of it
and can this badass title Heroic: Sinestra - Achievement - World of Warcraft be obtain??
requires level 40 - so, no way 4 f2p's.
That would be awesome, i'll try this on weekend.OK, so I can confirm that we can enter Firelands and Blackwing Descent.
requires level 40 - so, no way 4 f2p's.
OK, so I can confirm that we can enter Firelands and Blackwing Descent.
requires level 40 - so, no way 4 f2p's.
sounds like we could use an F2P raid guide...which ones we can get into and what's in there that we can use.
If anyone in alliance (anyone as in someone who i know/like) wants to do some raids then hit me up via pm