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  1. 2v2 Tournament 3rd of December

    hi guys i will be up for playing prot warr ok :)
  2. Blackened defias belt

    Hello, was wondering how much these are worth nowadays. Found 3 on a character i've had since wotlk but never log. Also, have 2 runescale girdles, i don't suppose they are worth much either?
  3. Me is back

    Whalecum back!!!
  4. is my 20 ret ok?

    Oh cool thanks. Foremans better than westfall? Idk how it scales
  5. is my 20 ret ok?

    Just leveled him from 19 tbh, don't know what is bis so i've just got this on at the moment. :x Meloh @ Runetotem - Community - World of Warcraft
  6. 79 going to be the next thing in legion!?

    yes. Yes it is
  7. Legion talents for classes/specs

    nice :) found fx on twitter hello cutie!!
  8. EU+US Outdated 70's Armory List

    Logged out in apt gear :)
  9. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    I love sucking on phallic-shaped items between arena pops
  10. Top 3 of each class

    So much spice added for this twink curry
  11. Level 99 WW Monk PvP Movie! AMAZING 1 vs Many and Clutch Moments!

    I enjoyed this thoroughly, too :)
  12. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    :) i used to be cute
  13. Well that's gotta be a first

    Yeah, most probably a bug. After cata, the +6 resistance rings for 19 bracket showed as +6 still in the gbank, but as soon as you took them out they went down to whatever the quish changed them to.
  14. Legion talents for classes/specs

    Oh i didn't even know of that. That's too true - if we lost insignia trinket there would be no point in playing :/
  15. Legion talents for classes/specs

    If these changes go ahead, i think it'll make for some exciting games with a variety of different comps :) how come?
  16. Legion talents for classes/specs

    Not too sure to be honest, but a quick look at two classes inclines to me believe that they might be a spec bonus (e.g, specific to choosing that spec). fury warriors look like they do not have anything additional to choosing the spec, whereas affliction warlock shows a level 1 ability. edit...
  17. Legion talents for classes/specs

    Talent Calculator - WowDB - Warlords of Draenor stolen from 19 forum but i thought i'd post here for you guys too. Looks very interesting!
  18. fx uploaded another video!

  19. Random observation yo

    You are so retarded. This post shows how ill-educated you are. The stonewall movement was started by 'non-white' people.
  20. Nobundu #1 Fire Kitty Video!

    gj on the globals