I've never heard of a tabard enchant D=
Take it out of the guild bank and see what happens to it
This is just a client side bug thats been around since mid-MoP. My friend would mess around a lot in the gb. He sent me SS of lvl 10 boe bracer with gem sockets and other fancy combinations.
As soon as he would remove it from the guild bank, poof, nothing. Very fun to play with though
BoP bracers and gloves.You actually could gem slot your bacers and get the boost and it stayed. The people just acted like they had no clue of what you were talking about when asked. I knew people that did it.
Yeah, most probably a bug. After cata, the +6 resistance rings for 19 bracket showed as +6 still in the gbank, but as soon as you took them out they went down to whatever the quish changed them to.
You actually could gem slot your bacers and get the boost and it stayed. The people just acted like they had no clue of what you were talking about when asked. I knew people that did it.