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  • Everyone saying 10's are over after nerfs don't have well geared 10's. I just did a TBC Dungeon on my Hunter and was 4-5x next highest DPS
    So many hours of life wasted sitting at Rares waiting for them to spawn, only to NOT give up that sweet sweet Epic >.<
    Potentially found a new BiS Weapon when fighting Demons for 25-49. I'll know more once I drudge through 56 Zone Quests to get it lol.
    I swear Blizs is Trolling us with SL Rares. Some drop gear daily but never procs Epic, some drops once only, others have odd drop rates.
    ALL the Fel Iron! Whatever you have left you can Prospect for a chance at Talasite then make Steady Talasite to sell on AH for big cash.
    World Quests ARE doable at 49, they just don't show up on the Map, but you get the same rewards that a 60 does.
    Also, Quests that WERE Level Gated to 50+ no longer are at 49 (once you're on Threads of Fate).
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