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  • We know for a fact that Lgeion BoE's 'Scale with Level' down to 89 but might be possible to scale lower, huge PITA though.
    Character Transfer with my 101 Twink's Legendaries stuck "In Queue" for nearly 2 days now fml.
    Blizz getting DDoS'd again? Maybe they should stop banning Overwatch cheaters so we can play WoW lmao.
    Ok, the final Assault phase where you kill the Commander on the ship DOES drop Gear. It looks like a better pre-Invasion set!
    110, my Level 10 can see and attack the Demons but they're LvL 98 by my calculations.
    Can you not just afk to final battle and get loot though?
    It's an instance, Scenario like what MoP introduced.
    Yes the Demons are there, unf they are 98 (guessing by the 596K HP). I will try grouping later to see if that helps.
    At 10 I can see the Assault on the Map, flying there now to see if the NPC's show up and if they scale down past 98.
    If the Target Dummies in the Order Hall don't scale then Blizz changed it, I have pics of them scaling to 10 from shortly after Legion hit.
    Vets maybe, or 20's on BNets linked to active Subs probably. Pure F2P likely won't have access until the next XPac.
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