Chops Aug 3, 2019 I feel like you've made that post before. If you need to spruce up your troll material, lemme know
Chops Aug 2, 2019 Wild. I've had it tell me I couldn't access it on an inactive account. But that was a long while ago
Chops Aug 2, 2019 I think you have to not only have most recent xpac but also have game time to access ptr
Chops Jul 24, 2019 gonna go on 4chan and say im a blizz employee and theyre pulling the plug on WoW on the 15th anniversary as a final fuck you to fans.
gonna go on 4chan and say im a blizz employee and theyre pulling the plug on WoW on the 15th anniversary as a final fuck you to fans.
Chops Jul 24, 2019 Need more websites using support reliable 4chan leaks to generate traffic without providing any actual information
Need more websites using support reliable 4chan leaks to generate traffic without providing any actual information
Chops Jul 21, 2019 There's two guilds with full teams that want to wargame. Not sure its TFs job to organize that...
Chops Jul 21, 2019 It's right there in our recruitment thread, boys. We arent interested in WGs. But I see 2buttons team is ready, yall go have fun.
It's right there in our recruitment thread, boys. We arent interested in WGs. But I see 2buttons team is ready, yall go have fun.