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  1. Chops

    I need blizz to break 10/11 twinking so this forum can go back to being an insulated bunch of...

    I need blizz to break 10/11 twinking so this forum can go back to being an insulated bunch of surly assholes who havent actually played the game in 5 years instead of 15 threads all asking if Waveslicer is really bis
  2. Chops

    downgrade from the goose, honestly

    downgrade from the goose, honestly
  3. Chops

    Stuck on whether to equip this item or...

    i swear to god
  4. Chops

    Physique thread! Show your sexy body. (No nudity)

    Was wondering when we'd get an update on the McDonald's bulk diet
  5. Chops

    WoW 20th Anniversary Event Update!

    ... FINE!
  6. Chops

    How is hpally nowadays?

    at least he can transmog his gear :Kappa:
  7. Chops

    The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory

    this is beerloverr erasure and I will not stand for it
  8. Chops

    20s "Audit" Thread

    only one thing I can see to improve that toon /delete
  9. Chops

    It's time for change. (+Blizzard Forum Raid)

    Blame sketch for going on a liking spree of years old posts and spamming me with notifications. I thought something funny was going on. Shame. This is where I'm going to be a real downer and then fade back into lurking It turns out, it wasnt *really* a merger. It was an acquisition. Blizz is...
  10. Chops

    It's time for change. (+Blizzard Forum Raid)

    Microsoft laid off 1800 Blizzard employees so they could streamline their operation and really focus on the things that matter... fine tuning the low level pvp experience in their dying MMO
  11. Chops

    Hope you all have a lovely holiday season this year!

    Hope you all have a lovely holiday season this year!
  12. Chops

    It's time to say goodbye

    Andre and I have often joked that “39 is the last true twink level” both in game and in life. I’ll be 39 in a couple months and it seems like a fine time to bring my WoW presence to an end. This isn’t a result of Blizzard changing the game or selling out or nOt LiStEnInG tO tHe PlaYeRs or...
  13. Chops

    My Hardcore F2P Account Journey

    I was thinking more like "capture the flag" and "defend bases in AB" type achievements. not just racking up HKs and wins or whatever. But yea, i also get where having to play hardcore safely would create a pretty shitty experience for others. It's never really cool to be That Guy.
  14. Chops

    Question about setting up a lvl 10 vet on my wow2 linked account

    The factor there is that you cant que BGs at all without gametime and xp turned off.
  15. Chops

    Question about setting up a lvl 10 vet on my wow2 linked account

    if this is true its new as of DF. I've got several tens on my f2p account and never encountered this in SL
  16. Chops

    Vernal Arena Tournament (3v3) Cash and Gold Prize Event!

    I’ll toss in another $50 Good luck, teams!
  17. Chops

    mmm love a little texture

    mmm love a little texture
  18. Chops

    My Hardcore F2P Account Journey

    I always thought it would be fun to try hardcore w/ BGs. Like, just how ballsy do you wanna be for those achieves?
  19. Chops

    Is there a Gem guide?

    Theres not one, but TWO stickied threads in this very subforum that would lead you to the information you're looking for. One of them was even linked and quoted in this here thread this morning.
  20. Chops

    My Hardcore F2P Account Journey

    Shield + hearth is an advantage pallies have and i feel like part of hardcore is selecting the safest character to play Don’t ban it