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  1. Chops

    State of free to play or how it works ?

    F2P is treated as xpoff for the purposes of pvp ques, which means you're in the que with 29s Godspeed
  2. Chops

    Hell yes!

    Hell yes!
  3. Chops

    Instances Proc rate on Sockets, static or variable?

    The general consensus seems to be that it's around a 5% chance to upgrade but that can be any upgrade (hell yes indestructible let's go!). This seems to roughly track with my experience and that of others. Id swear some stuff seems to have higher proc rate chances but that's probably just...
  4. Chops

    Gemming for 10's and 11's

    farming mats and juggling profs to get gems on a str character is very tedious without access to the AH or warbank. If you have a bnet linked F2P or Vet account, however, you can drop mats in the warbank on your paid account and your linked F2P or Vet account will use those crafting mats...
  5. Chops

    If you're new to pvp, come play with us!!!

    Lemon, its wednesday
  6. Chops

    How do people avoid TW queue bug?

    a couple minutes between runs isnt the end of the world, guys. Do some pushups. Go to the restroom. Reflect on the endless depths of the uncaring and unknowing void of the universe as it consumes all life and renders even the concept of time an illusion the human brain cant content with. Go grab...
  7. Chops

    Is boosting an alt banable now?

    Any software or hardware setup that streamlines multi boxing in any way is a violation of the TOS
  8. Chops

    Difference between 10 and 11?

    Not to get too terribly meta, sentimental or sincere here but its always worth asking yourself *why* youre twinking. Are you building a twink as a tool with which to power level alts/gain TW badges? Its 11, all the way down. For now. Turn your XP off *immediately* upon hitting 11, enjoy no...
  9. Chops

    Did they nerf TW gear for 11 twinks?
  10. Chops

    Sandbagging for Charity

    instead of continuing to silo off different aspects of the game even further, they should just remove the xp-off npcs.
  11. Chops

    honor no longer transferable

    transferred from my vet account to an active account just fine... unless you mean some other transfer, it appears to be working
  12. Chops

    New M+ Season Socket Rings

  13. Chops

    Lucky Hunting Charm farming

    Dudes specifically asking about the crit/vers neck and people keep telling him to get a haste neck lol Jesus these forums are cooked, man
  14. Chops

    Lucky Hunting Charm farming Farm this mob. Once a day shot. Good luck, you'll get it eventually
  15. Chops

    Has anyone else had a bad experience with a twink youtuber?

    Raise your hand if you've been personally victimized by @CigNus
  16. Chops

    How do I get started?

    right here...
  17. Chops

    How do I get started?

    what information is it you feel you're missing? Because theres a pretty comprehensive "how to get gear" section of that guide.
  18. Chops

    How do I get started?
  19. Chops

    11.1 Which classes got the biggest buffs/nerfs at 20?

    MS change doesnt suck