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  • 15 days until classic. 15 days +1 hour until the first "this sucks, blizzard fucked it up" thread
    considering how often you get burned, im not surprised youve built up some immunity
    It occurs to me, given the current state of twinking, that "XP off" is kind of a misnomer for the site these days...
    The classic sections are literally the same two threads over and over again
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    Reactions: Sketchbag and ohti
    can't forget about the 600 "what server do we play on?" threads
    Yea, it's bad world building but if that doesn't bother you then it's nothing but new trinkets. Which is honestly pretty cool.
    For me? It's a problem in the RPG part, not necessarily the gearing for pvp part.
    Naw, you don't get repeat chances at the rewards. You get crate rewards of bad greens. Just some of them are new trinkets
    I'm real torn on it. It's neat, I guess, but it also doesn't *feel* right as part of an MMORPG
    like bum fights, but for twinks
    Lately so many people have been getting their ego crushed by me for no reason whatsoever lol
    god bless the ignore button but now it looks like sanit is yelling at himself in status posts. lol
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