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  • important update: Diablo Immortal has entered technical Alpha
    You think blizz chose Auz over NA cuz of the blizzcon gongshow?! I've been pre-registered for like a year and a half now ffs
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    Reactions: Neon
    oh definitely. Ive watched a few gameplay videos and people in the comments are like "im not saying i like this game because blizzcon but this game looks really good"

    Like, the hates already baked in and has nothing to do with the quality. It look incredible.
    now, just to homebrew a 32-bit version for the iPhone 4...
    Hey Chops,
    Is Item Level or Stat weight more important on an Item, have a 27 Neck that has 13 haste and only 28 stat pts or would a lvl 25 neck with full 30 pts and Mast/Vers be better, same with a lvl 27 Epic Ring that upgraded?
    Also, is Haste at all useful for an Arms Warr, such as 10% or so?
    Celydar (Feral Druid 20 FTP)
    Ayshe (Arms/Fury Warr 20 FTP)
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    Reactions: ZenwØw
    stats, ilvl no longer matters. and haste is... ok? I dont avoid it but i dont seek it out and ill take any other stat over it if its a choice
    People like seeing the best at something do that something, especially if they too enjoying doing that something.
    end game seems really stupid. "what if azerite but red. and your azerite no longer works, but grind to get the exact same fucking skills"
    share your dinner? How kind of you! In the spirit of the holiday and everything.
    calling it now, xp eliminator NPCs are gone entirely before this xpac is over
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    Reactions: DeLindsay and ohti
    “Veteran status accounts are now placed in experience eliminated pvp queues”
    if theres no xp eliminator, theres no experience eliminated ques
    yea, you're like a month behind. We can manually enter most dungeons at 20 though can only que for a select few
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    Reactions: Eleannor
    That's pretty much it. Got away from WoW to focus on a temporary job and even further from Twinking due to <Hero of Azeroth> grind.
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