Being that sec stats are nerfed/diminshing returns in BG's, is the extra secondary stat worth it over main, for example:
15 gemmable slots on a toon, ...would be +45 Main Stat or +30 Main Stat & + 30 sec stat
Is that extra 30 stam/crit/vers worth the lost main stat ?
Also, ...
for a rogue or feral, would you go, as alternative to the Talasite gems, +3 Agi, or +2 Agi & +2 Crit gems both can be bought with MoH or WotLK JC'd
any thoughts on the rogue specs at 20, missing vanish, evasion, etc., besides Sub is pretty good and Outlaw is fun/popular that I hear alot
Is Assa viable at all ? Seems ambush hits are weak compared to what I remember back in the day