Chops Oct 13, 2020 my nightmare that its 20 in pre-patch but gets bumped to 10 on release still haunts me
Chops Oct 13, 2020 deeply worried about yall rapidly refreshing the armory and bnet client. go take a walk.
Chops Oct 11, 2020 I think thats a good assumption. I just wouldnt want anyone leveling to 45 or whatever it is assuming its 20 and then end up unplayable
I think thats a good assumption. I just wouldnt want anyone leveling to 45 or whatever it is assuming its 20 and then end up unplayable
Chops Oct 10, 2020 I can understand the excitement of wanting to know, but like... it effectively changes nothing re: preparation
I can understand the excitement of wanting to know, but like... it effectively changes nothing re: preparation
Chops Oct 10, 2020 people are basing that on one tweet from a HS dev who almost immediately equivocated. I wouldnt level up anything assuming its 100% accurate
people are basing that on one tweet from a HS dev who almost immediately equivocated. I wouldnt level up anything assuming its 100% accurate
Chops Oct 4, 2020 DMF is, really, a lot of fun. I love it. Also really enjoy the christmas event because im a big sap.