Stop playing garbage classes


Just stop it. This bracket doesn't exists without 20s, it's just not here. We can go back to you guys setting times to Q and hoping for a few games, that's fine. Stop keyboard smashing over the people that make this thing happen. You guys are ruining a good thing, with good players that just want to compete, for nothing.

There is 0 reason you need to roll a SPriest, BM Monk, or Feral at 29. Use you advanced levels to roll something fun, to bring some diversity of specs/classes to this bracket, something that you normally couldn't.

Look at the end of the day you are hurting yourself. People are going to get tired of it and leave and then it's back to no Qs. So I guess enjoy. I'm working on a new F2PDev with Vet support right now and the Gear Scaling Index is getting updates soon and you know what, after nights like this I just want to say fuck it, I'll delete everything and move on. And that damages the community. Because you can't play something that doesn't 2 hit.

Bring some competition to this bracket. Or go play your 100s (which we all know you are bad it, I can watch you keyboard turn from here on your 29). You have 0 justification for being 9 levels above someone and even less for rolling something you probably shouldn't.
Just stop it. This bracket doesn't exists without 20s, it's just not here. We can go back to you guys setting times to Q and hoping for a few games, that's fine. Stop keyboard smashing over the people that make this thing happen. You guys are ruining a good thing, with good players that just want to compete, for nothing.

There is 0 reason you need to roll a SPriest, BM Monk, or Feral at 29. Use you advanced levels to roll something fun, to bring some diversity of specs/classes to this bracket, something that you normally couldn't.

Look at the end of the day you are hurting yourself. People are going to get tired of it and leave and then it's back to no Qs. So I guess enjoy. I'm working on a new F2PDev with Vet support right now and the Gear Scaling Index is getting updates soon and you know what, after nights like this I just want to say fuck it, I'll delete everything and move on. And that damages the community. Because you can't play something that doesn't 2 hit.

Bring some competition to this bracket. Or go play your 100s (which we all know you are bad it, I can watch you keyboard turn from here on your 29). You have 0 justification for being 9 levels above someone and even less for rolling something you probably shouldn't.

I have several 29s, I que on my spriest more than anything because of what I know ill queue into. I'd love to queue my warlock more but it's shit when you know you can't stand up to many classes in the bracket. So until other people stop queuing strong classes I will continue to queue with classes that I know can compete with them.
Oh look, Salt.
here we go again, 20s walking around with a sense of self entitlement, 20s wouldnt exist all together without p2p.

one can not exist without the other.

He's not referring to P2Ps though. He's referring to P2Ps who, on top of their 9 extra levels, also roll classes currently considered to be broken.
I have several 29s, I que on my spriest more than anything because of what I know ill queue into. I'd love to queue my warlock more but it's shit when you know you can't stand up to many classes in the bracket. So until other people stop queuing strong classes I will continue to queue with classes that I know can compete with them.
Horrible attitude, what if your 'enemies' thought like you? Then nothing would ever change, unless someone started playing less OP classes. Why don't you start?
I have several 29s, I que on my spriest more than anything because of what I know ill queue into. I'd love to queue my warlock more but it's shit when you know you can't stand up to many classes in the bracket. So until other people stop queuing strong classes I will continue to queue with classes that I know can compete with them.

be the change you want to see
You do realize that many of the people that are running "garbage classes" do not even know of TIs existence.
And the people that do visit TI that run these classes really do not care.

Did you not see me say that I multiple 29s, I did not say I only que strong classes. If I am queuing with friends or guildies I'll que my lock. If I'm solo queuing most of the time I'll play my spriest. I enjoy playing multiple classes. I don't sit here and preach to others to play things that aren't strong, because in essence that is the whole idea of twinking, gearing your character and making it as strong as possible in the bracket you have chosen. There will always be people that do this with the strongest classes at the time.

If you think that people will just stop playing strong classes because you don't like it you are in denial. I suggest that you accept the fact that this is the way twinking always has been and always will be.

You can continue to bash your head against a brick wall and try to force others to play weaker classes because it suits you. But it is futile to say the least.

I'm not trying to start an argument and I'm not saying you have the wrong views. I am just being realistic.
I have several 29s, I que on my spriest more than anything because of what I know ill queue into. I'd love to queue my warlock more but it's shit when you know you can't stand up to many classes in the bracket. So until other people stop queuing strong classes I will continue to queue with classes that I know can compete with them.

your statement is wrong imo. while queing ur 29 shadow others will just want to roll shadow priests, bm, ferals, to compete. but when you que your warlock no one will care and they will probably start rolling locks if you where good! inspire them to roll classes like you.
your statement is wrong imo. while queing ur 29 shadow others will just want to roll shadow priests, bm, ferals, to compete. but when you que your warlock no one will care and they will probably start rolling locks if you where good! inspire them to roll classes like you.

I have only been queuing my warlock the last few days and will continue to do so, I find it more fun than any other class I play at 29. However I can be quite competitive and do not like to limit myself or my team when there are better options I can choose from.

I don't disagree with anyone that wants people to que weaker classes. I'm simply stating that it is a futile effort to stop people playing strong classes.

In the future I will try and organise some "underpowered class" wargames. I just need the new patch hype to die down a bit first. So keep an eye out, I will post on the forums when I'm organising it.
Just stop it. This bracket doesn't exists without 20s, it's just not here. We can go back to you guys setting times to Q and hoping for a few games, that's fine. Stop keyboard smashing over the people that make this thing happen. You guys are ruining a good thing, with good players that just want to compete, for nothing.

There is 0 reason you need to roll a SPriest, BM Monk, or Feral at 29. Use you advanced levels to roll something fun, to bring some diversity of specs/classes to this bracket, something that you normally couldn't.

Look at the end of the day you are hurting yourself. People are going to get tired of it and leave and then it's back to no Qs. So I guess enjoy. I'm working on a new F2PDev with Vet support right now and the Gear Scaling Index is getting updates soon and you know what, after nights like this I just want to say fuck it, I'll delete everything and move on. And that damages the community. Because you can't play something that doesn't 2 hit.

Bring some competition to this bracket. Or go play your 100s (which we all know you are bad it, I can watch you keyboard turn from here on your 29). You have 0 justification for being 9 levels above someone and even less for rolling something you probably shouldn't.

Hey tactiz tic I got my legendary staff last night. I'll run u threw next week. :)
Lvl 20 disc have done allmost identical healing done with me around 300k+ and I'm 29.

I've seen lvl 20 arms/brew/balance druid and several other classes at 20 doing 300k+ damage

I been killed in stun many times from lvl20 feral druid.

Level difference doesn't mean shit anymore. Everything is scaled + you can use exact same enchants which scale too.

With 29 you have 3 advantages:

1. 1x Glyph
2. 1-2 extra spells (might be useful or not)
3. Couple gear choices which grant you slight advantage. Slight because gear is scaled so advantage is very minimal especially because everyone is using same boas.

Before wod advantage was huge but with now came veteran twinks which have exact same stats as 29 + exact same enchants.

Personally I deleted my 20-29 because can't be arsed to wait 30 min ques as HORDE. People are so retarded that they still haven't blacklisted av and they join random bg. Why can't people just join wsg? Many people don't know but before wod ques at 20 were always instant. always.

Sometimes it's instant if random signs us to wsg but sometimes I have to wait 20min+ because random leads us for av which will never happen. Example: Your ques as lvl 100 alliance are 10x smaller if you just blacklist av+ioc.

I'll just play lvl 100 arenas from now on.
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I've enjoyed my lock since 24s. Even after this demo nerf that leaves roughly 45% of my damage each game coming from corruption, I still love being able to jump around and snare peeps :)

Only fotm class I really have is a 20 alliance resto druid. I've already decided any future fotm classes/specs I roll will be alliance 20, I'd just feel silly facerolling a feral or a BM at 29. Doesn't even really annoy me when I run across them- fotm players will ALWAYS exist, just gotta live with it.
this bracket won't ever be as good as it could be, neither f2ps, vets or 29s want good competition. this bracket gets decent queues because of the large amount of jajas that q. a huge amount of good f2ps that used to play either quit or moved to different brackets cuz of how shit 20-29s have become. every wsg is just one sided, most of the time depending on how many 29s each team has.

only way this bracket could have the lvl of competition that it used to have is if f2ps stopped queuing ferals. 29s stop queuing bms, ferals, rogues and spriests. but this is a futile argument that many players will not side with cuz all they wanna do is pwn pwn pwn. any decent player that wants competitive games will leave this bracket eventually or stop queuing bgs until every wsg has 6-7 jajas and 3-4 29s. and the a few 29s on one team will leave cuz the other team has less jajas and more 29s. leading to f2p jaja ferals, bms and 29s farming the other jaja team to boost their epeens. just tl;dr
Lvl 20 disc have done allmost identical healing done with me around 300k+ and I'm 29.

I've seen lvl 20 arms/brew/balance druid and several other classes at 20 doing 300k+ damage

I been killed in stun many times from lvl20 feral druid.

Level difference doesn't mean shit anymore. Everything is scaled + you can use exact same enchants which scale too.

With 29 you have 3 advantages:

1. 1x Glyph
2. 1-2 extra spells (might be useful or not)
3. Couple gear choices which grant you slight advantage. Slight because gear is scaled so advantage is very minimal especially because everyone is using same boas.

Before wod advantage was huge but with now came veteran twinks which have exact same stats as 29 + exact same enchants.

Personally I deleted my 20-29 because can't be arsed to wait 30 min ques as HORDE. People are so retarded that they still haven't blacklisted av and they join random bg. Why can't people just join wsg? Many people don't know but before wod ques at 20 were always instant. always.

Sometimes it's instant if random signs us to wsg but sometimes I have to wait 20min+ because random leads us for av which will never happen. Example: Your ques as lvl 100 alliance are 10x smaller if you just blacklist av+ioc.

I'll just play lvl 100 arenas from now on.

This has already been quoted, he is not complaining about level differences. His complaining about FoTm classes

Its even in the title...
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Fotm is not even problem. Problem is getting in

I inspected guy who had only 30 wsg games but 6 avs.

40vs40 at lvl 29?

And now I know why I wait 40 min sometimes to enter wsg.

Fucking stupid.
You can won't inspire anyone to do anything in WoW. They will only follow you because they are sheeple. They flock to the nearest light source like the moth to a flame.


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