why people choose 24s over 20.

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I'm not trolling I see you writing that you are mad at me and I just want to know why.. so i started guessing cause you dodge the question.

Every word you say is just infuriating me more and more. I'm about to go League of Shadows on your behind BATMAN style if you don't stop spitting out this refuse.
You're so cute.. Funny thing is you played a cata hunt to? Again it's clearly MoP and I'm still a hunt so therefore you love to live in the past.. I wonder if I could report you for trolling or harrassment.. I'm sure 1 quick look at your replies which all are off topic.. Hmm

plz report me, everyone else does. and i live in the past when the past im talking about was like 4 months ago...

how many times do i need to tell you i have NEVER played a hunter in this bracket. wonder how many 24 hate posts of yours i could report? brb, might take me a few hours
Every word you say is just infuriating me more and more. I'm about to go League of Shadows on your behind BATMAN style if you don't stop spitting out this refuse.
The only thing i can conclude now by seeing your response posts is that I was right after all with my previous reactions and you can only look from a free to play point of view.

Not going to bother again with this silly one sided opinion of yours wich is just comming from hate and annoyance.
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The only thing i can conclude now by seeing your response posts is that I was right after all with my previous reactions and you can only look from a free to play point of view.

This ersponse makes me only draw one conclusion: that I was right, and everything you said was a lie. Anythinb before you said was not only wrong but also untrue. If however you had claimed the opposite, though it seemed right befoer, is now null and void. My posts made perfect sense, and anyone claiming otherwise not only is wrong but totally confused. I rest my case and if theres any more to add you can PM me. GOodbye.
The only thing i can conclude now by seeing your response posts is that I was right after all with my previous reactions and you can only look from a free to play point of view.

Not going to bother again with this silly one sided opinion of yours wich is just comming from hate and annoyance.
It's kind of amusing that you think you're looking at this from an objective point of view.
It's kind of amusing that you think you're looking at this from an objective point of view.
Well more from a neutral point of view but what else do you want to call it when you play all possible ways in this bracket. I can form an accurate view from every side of the fence. Izac can't and only has view about what is happening in the US from a f2p point of view and has no clue what so ever about the EU bracket it seems and what is happening with twinking these days. I must say that you can't really compare the EU bracket to the US one though.

You don't see me get mad nor get annoyed about this bracket, that is for f2p people only who don't understand the pvp concept in this game and that they can do the same by paying some bucks a month which is the intention of any trial. I will even gladly fund (I can actually do everything myself wich i worked for in this game to achieve) all peoples needs to make a twink if they decided to start paying for the game like I've always done. But that is up to you.
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After wasting my time skimming through this entire thread i'd like to state my opinion on the subject.

20's - With the added difficulties of playing a 20 I can understand why you want to rage at 24's. Correct me if i'm wrong however a good amount of 20's play for the added challenge, so why /rage at 24's that put time and effort into gearing as well if there is an added challenge to the bracket? I personally play a 24 rogue and I understand the frustrations of 24 spriests with their fear, bubble, and heals, and the frustration of druids rooting, HoT, and travel form (moonfire dot's are my least favorite, can't stealth). The only time I feel invincible in this bracket is when I have a pocket healer, (horde 20 healers you are amazing). This baffling about which side is better or which side isn't fair is nonsense a tink is a tink. 24's pay to play so rolling 20 or 24 with the best gear and chants should be completely up to how the person wants to play. All in all 24's shouldn't be frowned upon/shunned because they roll with added benefits such as chants and unobtainable gear to 20's. And 20's shouldn't whine and complain about how much they hate 24's because 20's have only invested their time into f2p rather than their actual money (only in a perfect world I guess). Also i'd like to point out the fact that anyone is capable of creating a 24, it's not like we are exclusive blizzcon mounts or anything.
Stick to kissing Saints ass. You're better at that.

YES! i have new fan.

just do like every other f2p tells me they do and "out plazes dem badz". ofc, huntaz got nerfed :(
My post didin't negate that 24's achievements or sence of self accomplishment is on the same lvl as f2p's, seing f2p's have to work much harder for it.

Of course it has a diff weight when it's a lot easier to overcome a f2p as a lvl 24.

p2p's make 24's cause of advantage ( that one is retorical ),however that fact doesn't contradicts with rest of the things i have mentioned in my post.

Once again ppl.........p2p's pay for the game, and there are those of them who play with honor regardless of them being 2-3 times stronger.Why wouldn't anyone embrace the challenge of downing some 24 solo,or to have 2-3 good f2p's next to you that can take down a 24 S.Priest ? What's the matter ? - you can't find 2 more good f2p's next to you ?

Playing a f2p warrior or a cata hunter or a 24 Spriest doesn't make you objective, your words and actions do....

Also i can see a lot of you going personal and a bit off from this topic....
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I can't believe once I actually valued your opinion Saint :/ Sitting back for a few days not taking the bait REALLY helps you realize who the trolls on these forums are

your 1st mistake was valuing anyones opinion above your own. "it's better to lead in hell than serve in heaven".

but srsly, you dont value anyones opinion, you've always made it very clear, all 24s/p2ps are evil. maybe if you stepped down off your high horse they wouldnt be.
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