Let's say a friend of mine was returning to the World of Warcraft and wanted to play 19 twinks. Let's say this friend has full BoA gear for any class and plenty of BoE gear at her disposal. What class should she give a try. She wants a class that won't be over played. She wants a class that isn't gimped now. She refuses to play hunter and doesn't want to play lock again.
Hunter: She won't consider.
Lock: She won't consider.
Priest: She hears that Disc is strong.
Pally: Not the new hunter anymore! Good heals though.
Druid: She has druid XP, but thinks the class is going to be over played.
Shaman: She's played a resto shammy at higher levels before.
Warrior: She played a 49 Warrior a long time ago, but nothing since BC.
Mage: Never played mage.
Rogue: No thanks. She doesn't have the RL gold to get a Shadowfang.
Monk: Everyone will roll one for LOLs.
If you had to choose a class to roll for Panda Mania 2012, what would it be?
Hunter: She won't consider.
Lock: She won't consider.
Priest: She hears that Disc is strong.
Pally: Not the new hunter anymore! Good heals though.
Druid: She has druid XP, but thinks the class is going to be over played.
Shaman: She's played a resto shammy at higher levels before.
Warrior: She played a 49 Warrior a long time ago, but nothing since BC.
Mage: Never played mage.
Rogue: No thanks. She doesn't have the RL gold to get a Shadowfang.
Monk: Everyone will roll one for LOLs.
If you had to choose a class to roll for Panda Mania 2012, what would it be?