Totally Hypothetical Question


Let's say a friend of mine was returning to the World of Warcraft and wanted to play 19 twinks. Let's say this friend has full BoA gear for any class and plenty of BoE gear at her disposal. What class should she give a try. She wants a class that won't be over played. She wants a class that isn't gimped now. She refuses to play hunter and doesn't want to play lock again.

Hunter: She won't consider.
Lock: She won't consider.
Priest: She hears that Disc is strong.
Pally: Not the new hunter anymore! Good heals though.
Druid: She has druid XP, but thinks the class is going to be over played.
Shaman: She's played a resto shammy at higher levels before.
Warrior: She played a 49 Warrior a long time ago, but nothing since BC.
Mage: Never played mage.
Rogue: No thanks. She doesn't have the RL gold to get a Shadowfang.
Monk: Everyone will roll one for LOLs.

If you had to choose a class to roll for Panda Mania 2012, what would it be?
Priest: have become really stagnant imo with the loss of some key abilities(still really strong just not much fun).
Warrior: good utility but needs to rely on teammates to be effective not really good for solo queueing imo.
Shaman: A lot of utility and can fill several roles so good for pugs and fun to play.
Pally: A healbot some people like it some don't. Unless ret gets buffed that is.
Mage: More like the mages of BC/Wrath, No big damage but great CC.

I rolled a shaman for mop and am having a ton of fun on it.
Given the circumstances... I would recommend priest if she wants to play a healing class... and mage if dps.
draynex why do you always talk in 3rd person?
Given the circumstances... I would recommend priest if she wants to play a healing class... and mage if dps.

I recommended priest after leveling one recently.

WB Drayner, your "friend" should totally try out CC-mage.

Thanks. Mage. Hmmm.

draynex why do you always talk in 3rd person?

Drayner said that he doesn't know WTF you are talking about and requests examples.
Why not just choose a class you want to play and not be so worried about what others think and have fun. ;)
resto shaman, incredibly game changing class plus hella fun, best support class on O and a great healer
Why not just choose a class you want to play and not be so worried about what others think and have fun. ;)

Considering the friend I am asking for hasn't played 19s in quite some time, I am looking for dialog and opinions about the current state of the different classes and how they play in the XP OFF 19 bracket.

I know what class I would play if I made a return to 19s.
Considering the friend I am asking for hasn't played 19s in quite some time, I am looking for dialog and opinions about the current state of the different classes and how they play in the XP OFF 19 bracket.

I know what class I would play if I made a return to 19s.

Uber, overused (OU), borderline (BL), underused (UU) or never used (NU)?
I'm sure most know where these abbreviations are from.
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Tell Daphane she should try out Resto/Ele Shaman > Mage > Prot/Arms Warrior > Rogue.

Shadowfangs are less important now...Sharpened Scarlet Kris in MH and BoA mace in OH is perfectly fine.
I have to agree with rolling a Resto Shaman. I played resto casually during BC/WOTLK, then cataclysm rolled around and I played elemental whenever I was on my shaman and it just didn't feel the same; but now from what I have played, resto shaman are not only extremely useful, but extremely fun too!

I haven't checked out many other classes, but I'm itching to try boomkin and/or restoration on my druid. Restoration looks promising, from what I have seen...
I will list these also in commonly used (though it almost looks like a ranking, and it's more of what I've seen the past few games)

Holy Paladin
Restoration Shaman
Balance Druid

Restoration Druid
Discipline Priest
Destruction Warlock

Fire, Frost, Arcane Mage
Subtlety Rogue
Feral Druid
Guardian Druid
Protection Paladin
Protection Warrior
Holy Priest
Beast Mastery Hunter
Marksmanship Hunter
Affliction Warlock
Elemental Shaman
Arms Warrior

Survival Hunter
Demonology Warlock
Combat Rogue
Assassination Rogue
Retribution Paladin
Fury Warrior

Enhancement Shaman
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resto shaman, incredibly game changing class plus hella fun, best support class on O and a great healer
This. Rediscovering how fun Shamans are recently. Just amazing.
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