Frost mage


Just stopping in.

Been wondering how mages are since the new patch came out as I've been unable to play since I'm studying abroad in Prague, Czech Republic till mid November.

So yeah, how are mages compared to other classes? Is a frost mage's CC a lot better since the damage is more balanced now? Fill me in haha.


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I played some on my frost mage, had a lot of fun. CC mage is definitely viable again and will probably be a fixture in premades, Damage is a lot more toned down then it was in cata. You will enjoy the changes :)
I played some on my frost mage, had a lot of fun. CC mage is definitely viable again and will probably be a fixture in premades, Damage is a lot more toned down then it was in cata. You will enjoy the changes :)

Great to heart :D. So it's kinda like a frost mage version in WOTLK but better?
how is progue?

Alright, I'm excited to play but I can definitely wait. Prague is unbelievable, it's such a beautiful city. Beer literally costs like half as much as water and soda. They give a you tiny glass/bottle of water/soda,compared to a huge beer for half the price. Can't wait to go travel to more cities across Europe.
Heya Camo! Frost mage is better than ever before, only 1 min cd on water elemental, unlimited arc explosion, the state of the bracket really thirst for CC (not much burst so CC is more needed than ever before).

I've played around much with different gear-sets and imo this should be BiS for frost CC: Xehedakigam @ Aggramar - Game Guide - World of Warcraft 11 hit and above 2k hp

Hey man,

How much hit do we need? I've heard like 6% from people. I notice you sacrificing some hp for haste. I know damage isn't as high plus, better heals, and groups rely on CC more so I can understand why you are running a lot of haste. However,is it better than the stam that you lose? I can see haste being worth it with already a large amount of hp and the other reasons I listed above.
Hey man,

How much hit do we need? I've heard like 6% from people. I notice you sacrificing some hp for haste. I know damage isn't as high plus, better heals, and groups rely on CC more so I can understand why you are running a lot of haste. However,is it better than the stam that you lose? I can see haste being worth it with already a large amount of hp and the other reasons I listed above.

11 hit is hit-cap.

Well, as I said earlier, burst is almost non-existent (except when rogues open on you). If you somewhat know how to control your pet, have bandage etc, survival in the field should not be that of a big problem. I choose to roll with haste because I value fast frosbolts + polys over maybe 10 stam which most likely won't win games for the team.

I forgot to mention, you can also heal your pet with your frostbolts, isn't really necessary though, but yeah it's quite cool.
wtf camo twinkr what are you doing in Prague
11 hit is hit-cap.

Well, as I said earlier, burst is almost non-existent (except when rogues open on you). If you somewhat know how to control your pet, have bandage etc, survival in the field should not be that of a big problem. I choose to roll with haste because I value fast frosbolts + polys over maybe 10 stam which most likely won't win games for the team.

I forgot to mention, you can also heal your pet with your frostbolts, isn't really necessary though, but yeah it's quite cool.

Alright, thanks man. I'll get on skype one of these days.
i know resilience will chop dmg in half, but my arcane is critting around 1400 outside of wsg.

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