F2P/Vet - Herb/Alchemy vs Engineering/Enchanting


I'm working on a level 20 vet/F2P twink balance druid. Trying to decide on professions. Going to get all my enchants and level professions to 300 in a month and then just be F2P after that.

Seems like herbalism/alchemy is a good choice for intellect elixirs and free action potions.

Engineering gives you access to some OP helms and no need to gather since gear is permanent opening up a profession slot. Enchanting gives you access to wizard oils.

So which is better? Engineering/enchanting I'll have higher stats, but free action potions are really really good.
Doesn't get you out of stuns
it's called a "trinket"

Look, you don't need free action potions. Druids are probably the strongest class in the bracket and you're honestly never gonna find yourself in a position where you'll need one. I haven't once thought "man, we lost that game because I didn't use a free action potion"

So go engineering/whatever. You'll get more use out of the helms than you will out of the potions
It was just a suggestion, no need to get so defensive. Life will alot easier and you can pick the best profs if you just learn to play. Gl with your adventure.
Thanks. I guess I misinterpreted your intent.

Consumables to me are just another thing you can add to your arsenal. Another thing you can min/max with. Sure I could just not use them, but I'd be gimping myself.

Idk. Maybe I will just take the easy route and go with engineering/enchanting.

Its easier not to though.
Just go engi alchemy like every single other person. Engi for goggles n shit. Alchemy for permanent flask buff.
I have never had problems FCing without free action pots. Sure, they help I suppose. But that sexy ass Stam/vers engi helm helps more.

Hell more often than not, I FC in my glass cannon set because lol pugs. Nobody cares enough for free action pots to matter. And when they do care enough, it's usually competitive play where the pots are banned anyway
Just a note that u won’t be able to make a Free Action Pot once u become unsub’d due to the Vet prof’s bug.
But u will have access to Speed Pots and also the Alch Flask.
FC’s on Free Action Pots are painful :eek:
If ur planning on going an Int class, definitely take Engineering for the Goggles, but any other class I’d take Alch / Herb.
Just a note that u won’t be able to make a Free Action Pot once u become unsub’d due to the Vet prof’s bug.
But u will have access to Speed Pots and also the Alch Flask.
FC’s on Free Action Pots are painful :eek:
If ur planning on going an Int class, definitely take Engineering for the Goggles, but any other class I’d take Alch / Herb.

There's many more useable items for all classes that engineering provides than just goggles (int or stam/vers) assuming you're vet. Just gotta open your mind to the possibilities.

Ftp alch/herb all the way.
There's many more useable items for all classes that engineering provides than just goggles (int or stam/vers) assuming you're vet. Just gotta open your mind to the possibilities.

Ftp alch/herb all the way.
I mean a worthy mention too is that if you’re vet, and relying solely on your vet to make consumables, enchanting may be worth it until you make enough Minor Wizard Oils. The skill level for the recipe is fairly low. And if you’re f2p, you can do wizard oil and make enchant scrolls assuming you’re still allowed to use them.
if you spam free action potions and speed pots as a druid you probably won't make many friends, just to warn you.

but also, if you're gonna use consumables and its all about that "min max" thang, the actual "max" strat would probably be to stock tf up on useful consumables before you unsub and then just take eng/alchemy for stats. if you use consumables at all judiciously you can stock up enough... not to be dismissive, but trying to be cute by not having engy goggles as a boomkin is prob not "maxxing out" your toon.
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For vets engineering and alchemy regardless of what your spec is

For f2p alchemy and herbalism, not much else you can go for cept maybe goggles as a clothie

Any other combo as of this moment is pretty much a waste of time. Also lol @ using free action potions, such a waste of resources rofl
There's many more useable items for all classes that engineering provides than just goggles (int or stam/vers) assuming you're vet. Just gotta open your mind to the possibilities.

Ftp alch/herb all the way.
Fair call re : Engineering.
I think I’m a F2P stuck in a Vet body - lol.
I did Engineering on my Monk and acknowledge it’s got a lot of bells and whistles, but for my Huntard, I’m a fan on Aspect of the Speed Pot when chasing down them damn Druid FC’s.....
Herb / Alch will provide unlimited Pots for the duration of being unsub’d.
Iceháwk don’t wear no sissy cloth goggles. :p
People use those items as compensation for bad timing/positioning.

You're a druid - You move a lot faster then everyone else does indoors...
So just bait enemies through tunnel/3rd floor and escape FR a mile ahead of them.
Or shift the concussive shot every 8 seconds.
Fair call re : Engineering.
I think I’m a F2P stuck in a Vet body - lol.
I did Engineering on my Monk and acknowledge it’s got a lot of bells and whistles, but for my Huntard, I’m a fan on Aspect of the Speed Pot when chasing down them damn Druid FC’s.....
Herb / Alch will provide unlimited Pots for the duration of being unsub’d.
Iceháwk don’t wear no sissy cloth goggles. :p

There's para cloak.

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