frogturtle helps idiot shamans: rogues



hi im frogturtle i will help u beat rogues in pugs they r annoying so just do these ez steps SO ez tbh

1. be goblin 4 THE HORDE xD
2. use boa trinket for 1m reduced cd so you will probs have it up for cheap shot opener
3. drop earthbind behind rogue cuz they will have to turn around to kill it lol
4. gob jump
5. flame shock
6. lightning bolt while they r slowed
7. they will spam pistol shot so use ghost wolf when not casting
8. spam unleash life/riptide/flame shock while kiting
9. if they catch u do idiot test with hard cast lava burst to see if they kick if not then get gud and juke cast heal
10. kite more until they die flame shock is op rogue has no answer

p much everyone knows this but im desperate to b relevant pls help me

thanks gl fellow shaman :v)

how many lightning bolts 2 kill the rogue Frogturtle?

hi purj great question/great initiative since u are new shaman to community i will take time out of day to answer

1 lightning bolt should be fine cuz flame shock is op

happy twinking fellow shaman big thumbs up amigo


hi purj great question/great initiative since u are new shaman to community i will take time out of day to answer

1 lightning bolt should be fine cuz flame shock is op

happy twinking fellow shaman big thumbs up amigo

@Purj the new shaman part has me rolling

@Blackberryy listen here bucko any dude can photoshop those badges just sayin frogturtle keeps it honest

also if u have any shaman questions hmu thx : )

Or you could learn the basic stumps/jumps to create a gap closer between you and the rogue
But how do i know which button is lightning bolt and not healing thing coz i don't want to heal the rogue???

listen here u lil weasel there is no memeing in this thread i am on a mission to boost IQ of all shamans take ur memes elsewhere weasel



listen here u lil weasel there is no memeing in this thread i am on a mission to boost IQ of all shamans take ur memes elsewhere weasel

how do i know when to heal or when to damage in mid

haha trick question nobody in the bracket knows :)
how do i know when to heal or when to damage in mid

haha trick question nobody in the bracket knows :)


actually i do know weasel

only turtle if the person u r healing is relevant to game and must be preserved

otherwise always go full frog 100%

@Frogturtle can u make a restoration Druid guide for me

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