big pwner never small pwn
hi lol
im undecided on whether or not im going to continue to play this game so idc who i offend in this thread, this my honest opinion on all you idiots who play(ed) wargames, my list gonna look completely different to any ideas of your own but feel free to post them anyway
The list:
Druid (Feral): Quack/Nature
Druid (FC): Fearthebuns
Mage: Puempeekstoh/Fearthebuns
Hunter: Stabilt/Phobia
Warlock: Trigs
Priest: Revo/Bailey
Rogue: Lanky
Paladin: Blurz
Shaman: Phron
BM Monk: Trigs
Reasonings behind each:
Quack - Definitely the best feral of legion, nobody is dumb enough to question that, mechanically he's up there with nature but beats him to top spot of feral due to the sheer communication he provides over nature, I understand nature is vocal in premade games but this is from a wargame pov only, he's not reliant on having a good rogue to support him as a lot of other ferals are, infact he's got no problems taking a new rogue and teaching them on the fly as he knows both roles inside out.
It's due to his understanding of both classes that he knows exactly where the enemy rogue is at all times and has no trouble getting them out.
Although he can lose his head very easily, it doesn't take him long to cool off and get back in the game, but it's those couple of minutes of him being angry in call that causes everyone to lose focus.
Nature - Even though I hate this guy and have since day 1, I can't deny he knows what he's doing at all times on every class i've seen him on, especially druid. He doesn't use his mic in wargames, but whereas this would hinder the team with anyone else on feral nobody seems to care or mind with nature because you know he's going to perform perfectly no matter what, another reason he's regarded as one of the best druids is that it doesn't matter if your team's FC is shit, nature already has the repick and will do a better job of FCing 9/10 times than dedicated FCs, including ones who usually make it onto other people's lists consistently.
Similarly to Quack, Nature can lose his cool at the mistakes of others too but unlike Quack he wont vocally trash talk you, he'll simply leave the game and more often than not wont play again that night.
HB (FC) - Does anybody really need an explanation as to why HB is the best FC? in an expansion such as legion where the FC isnt really doing anything except sitting behind their team in mid and leading there's really only one person that fits that role, HB. He's the only real team leader left in the bracket so it's no wonder that nobody comes close, although he clearly finds it boring as he's often only FCing as a last resort to fill, and seems to want to pass on his knowledge to Vet and take a back seat on a different class, but i'll talk about that later.
Prone to some mistakes, or bad calls which can often cost games, but he'll be the first to admit those mistakes and learn from them (unlike other FCs who will argue that they were right for 4 hours until the team gives up arguing and the FC believes he's won).
- Due to his ability to lead and his vocality coupled with the fact that Legion is heavily mid-based it's no surprise that HB makes the list again on a strong mid class, calling the kill target 15 times per second so everyone knows for sure who to hit, HB calls literally every spell he's casting even to the point where i'm sure i've heard him call that he's conjuring food in the same manner he calls his polymorphs.
Fuck his fake positivity though, aswell as his ability to turn 2 perfectly balanced teams and switch them around until he knows he's on the winning side. Also quite prone to mistakes on mage, kind of. His positioning when pushing for polymorphs on enemy healers is somewhat questionable, but he's not entirely to blame if and when he dies as his own healers should be able to keep him up 9/10 times, it's HB, he's already called what he's going to do 10 secs before he does it, but the healers still get surprised when he gets swapped to?
Puempeekstoh - I don't know much about this guy having only talked to him once or twice but fuck this sarcastic kid, He makes the list because he's great mechanically, nothing flashy, nothing ambitious, just plays his role, is vocal and is consistent without hardly putting a foot wrong.
Needs more confidence on his vocal side of things, a lot of what he calls goes unnoticed because he lacks confidence when saying it.
Stabilt - Easily the best player in legion, nobody is even close. Knows what he's doing and where he's supposed to be every millisecond of the game, plays to perfection on a consistent basis, not to mention he's pulled off a mechanical play that's not only one of the best i've seen in twinking, but wow as a whole.
His only downfall is the fact he tends to get a little bit tilted at his team when they're underperforming, especially inexperienced healers who are too slow to react to him dying in situations he feels he shouldnt be dying in, but unlike others in the bracket he'll have a quiet mutter of disbelief under his breath and move on.
Phobia - There was a lot of debate whether or not the best survival is Phobia or Yowza and my opinion is that it goes to Phobia no doubt, even though Yowza is miles ahead of Phobia mechanically and brings more to the team in that way, it's Phobia's communication and style of play that brings Phobia ahead, unlike every other survival who waits to be told by the feral/rogue when to go, it's Phobia who leads the go's, telling the feral and rogue when he's able to reach without being asked, in my opinion this is the way survival is meant to be played in wargames.
I cba his fake positivity too, also his loudness and his inability to shut the fk up with pointless information, he also has a tendency to make wrong calls frequently.
Trigs - Easily the best 'new' player in legion, he's either lying about not playing twinks in mop/wod or he's the fastest learner this bracket has ever seen, it took him a couple of wargames until he fully understood the meta, learn awareness and know his role in mid, then a couple more games until he was the best targetcaller in the expansion, when a 'legion twink' is beating a 2x twink cup champion to a spot in a list, you know you found someone special.
He has a tendency to respond sarcastically and on occasion with toxicity towards calls he sees as stupid or so obvious they didn't need saying, which can be detrimental to the game as it serves no purpose and can discourage people from trying to lead.
Revo - Could've easily made this list for mage aswell but with the simplicity of mage in legion he shines more on priest where this expansion has lacked good healers, he knows when to hold bubbles, knows where he should be standing and can predict incoming damage flawlessly
The only problem with Revo on priest is he'd laugh at being mentioned on a list for priests, it's not his main class, dont even think it's his 2nd or 3rd but the rest of the healers are so shit he's still on my list, needs to be more vocal however.
Bailey - She might look stupid running around orgrimmar with a stupid transmog and a pumpkin on her head taking 3 seconds to jump once but as soon as she's in wargames there's nobody you'd rather have on priest, because she's the only priest main that actually knows how to heal, doesn't need to be told when to press fear, and doesn't need to be screamed at by rogues to bubble them.
When her team's pushing and the FC needs a priest to stay back, she's already there, and she's easily the best at it.
Lacks confidence in her ability and calls, she'd rather be told what to do than tell others what to do, she's definitely losing interest in games and it's showing, sometimes spending the whole game muted and listening to music if she even plays at all. Needs improving on predicting incoming damage rather than reacting to it.
Lanky - Already knew he was the best rogue even when he had no mic, now he has one there's nobody even close, he already knows which way the EFC is attempting to cross before the EFC even knows himself, doesn't wastefully open randomly or stand in terrible positions where he gets caught, knows exactly when to sap to stall, when to open to force trinket or kill.
Needs to be more vocal with ferals, sometimes there can be miscommunication or lack of communication which can slow down gos in positions where going would've been a secure kill.
Blurz - Paladin is a very underused class that for a long time didn't fit the meta, it's becoming more and more acceptable and Blurz is the only reason people took another look at it, he showed the bracket that they have viable heals and an underappreciated kit in CC and CC breakers, a very experienced healer who has exceptional awareness and game knowledge, and another important vocal player.
However, it's evident he's losing interest in the game and would rather spend the whole game talking about random shit and losing focus in doing so, which can lead to him being out of position.
Phron - This kid is a fking freak outside of BGs, but it's hard to mention shamans without Phron being the first name that pops into your mind, nobody comes close, doesn't need to be told when to break off for FC support, doesnt need to be told by FC to 'stop bolts', he understands when a shaman is meant to be spamming heals and when their role is to help secure kills with shears on priests or delay enemy pushes with a huge teamwide earthbinds, when to break off and contest enemy players who are trying to go around FC etc.
He needs to improve a little mechanically, he has the right ideas on what to do but can be a bit slow on doing so, can also improve vocally, being more clear and assertive.
Controversial Exclusions:
Mvq - They say you are what you eat, absolute dogshit player. Provides absolutely nothing on any class he's on, he just speaks with the confidence that makes him sound like he knows what he's doing but he doesnt have a clue. He can throw a game that he's 2-0 up in with 5minutes left. 95% of calls he makes are wrong and wont work, but he'll spend 4 weeks trying to find the tiniest reason he made that wrong call, He could be midgame but if he gets a snapchat from a girl, you know he's taking his eyes off his screen and looking down to reply, even at 10 stacks and a rogue and feral opening on him carrying the flag. Has 0 clue what he should be targetting as a mage, and no idea how DRs work on rogue.
Dan - Another player who speaks with confidence but he's so far behind the skill-level the current game requires it's almost embarassing, ridiculously slow to react to anything and another player that generally makes the wrong calls, his only saving graces are that he sticks to classes that can hide his misplays and slow reactions and his ability to make people listen to him, he's a good leader in the sense that people will do exactly as he says although what he says isnt always a good call.
Raz - I have no doubt in my mind that if Raz wanted to be on this list for any class he could, but he doesn't want to be, he has the wrong attitude towards twinking so it's a surprise he even shows up to play at all, he's used to playing with people as mechanically gifted as him so he hates when people make mistakes, you make a mistake and he'll let you know you made a mistake by flaming you, if you react badly to the flame, he's gone.
Flamer - Someone needs to tell Flamer that winning 2 twink cups doesn't make you immune to criticism and it certainly doesn't mean everything you do in games is perfect, out of every TC winner i've played with or against, he's easily the worst. Has little to no awareness, only focused on doing damage even if the target is never going to die, very rarely connects on EFCs because he's too busy bolting a battle standard or an imp, sometimes pulling as little as 5 fears a game, if there's no midfight going on this guy has absolutely 0 clue what to do, he loses all sense of awareness or position and 7/10 times will get cut off or left behind and will die, and it'll be the healers fault. Also, having a focus bolt macro doesn't make you the best warlock, stop saying it.
Saka - Why does this guy make everyone's list? consistently out of position, eating polymorphs in the frontline and then getting swapped to, provides little in the way of healing and his offensive ability is overestimated, hardly vocal and becomes too much of a liability to be taken seriously, all around overrated and just generally an average player.
Ripduck - Often regarded as the best mage and I just dont see why, maybe the people listing him have replayed the clips of him streamsniping rogues out with blizzard a few too many times, there's a reason he never streams mage pov in wargames and only streamed FC pov, good leader but mechanically average, certainly better on mage than FC, dropping form on 10 stacks while being opened on multiple times per game isnt adjusting to the meta, it's just a bad player.
Saxxon - An above average rogue that gets called the best so often it's gone to his head and he's lost focus and now he barely makes the top 3, good vocally but has no idea how to open properly as a rogue, opening at wrong times and seems more focused on opening on priests than doing damage to EFC in times where it's more beneficial to focus the EFC, tries too hard to do flashy shit than actually win.
Vet - I'd like to take the time to congratulate GSC on getting rid of Mvq the worst FC of all time and picking up a new FC in the form of Vet, he's already proving that he has no idea what he's doing and needs his hand held by HB the whole time, give him the flag in mid and there's no problem, ask him to get the flag himself and he has absolutely no clue what he's doing, wont call for shaman support until he's already dead, wont tell you who's on defence, might be good vocally but we'll never know until he replaces that shit mic he currently has, why GSC picked up a guy who has on numerous occasions hit Airplane Mode mid game and put him on an important role like FC we'll never know, but most people have a theory that it's to prove to Mvq how much he holds them back by showing they can still win even when they pick up someone as useless as vet.
whats ur lists
TL;DR - every1 is shit and their personalities are worse, stop thinking ur good.
im undecided on whether or not im going to continue to play this game so idc who i offend in this thread, this my honest opinion on all you idiots who play(ed) wargames, my list gonna look completely different to any ideas of your own but feel free to post them anyway
The list:
Druid (Feral): Quack/Nature
Druid (FC): Fearthebuns
Mage: Puempeekstoh/Fearthebuns
Hunter: Stabilt/Phobia
Warlock: Trigs
Priest: Revo/Bailey
Rogue: Lanky
Paladin: Blurz
Shaman: Phron
BM Monk: Trigs
Reasonings behind each:
Quack - Definitely the best feral of legion, nobody is dumb enough to question that, mechanically he's up there with nature but beats him to top spot of feral due to the sheer communication he provides over nature, I understand nature is vocal in premade games but this is from a wargame pov only, he's not reliant on having a good rogue to support him as a lot of other ferals are, infact he's got no problems taking a new rogue and teaching them on the fly as he knows both roles inside out.
It's due to his understanding of both classes that he knows exactly where the enemy rogue is at all times and has no trouble getting them out.
Although he can lose his head very easily, it doesn't take him long to cool off and get back in the game, but it's those couple of minutes of him being angry in call that causes everyone to lose focus.
Nature - Even though I hate this guy and have since day 1, I can't deny he knows what he's doing at all times on every class i've seen him on, especially druid. He doesn't use his mic in wargames, but whereas this would hinder the team with anyone else on feral nobody seems to care or mind with nature because you know he's going to perform perfectly no matter what, another reason he's regarded as one of the best druids is that it doesn't matter if your team's FC is shit, nature already has the repick and will do a better job of FCing 9/10 times than dedicated FCs, including ones who usually make it onto other people's lists consistently.
Similarly to Quack, Nature can lose his cool at the mistakes of others too but unlike Quack he wont vocally trash talk you, he'll simply leave the game and more often than not wont play again that night.
HB (FC) - Does anybody really need an explanation as to why HB is the best FC? in an expansion such as legion where the FC isnt really doing anything except sitting behind their team in mid and leading there's really only one person that fits that role, HB. He's the only real team leader left in the bracket so it's no wonder that nobody comes close, although he clearly finds it boring as he's often only FCing as a last resort to fill, and seems to want to pass on his knowledge to Vet and take a back seat on a different class, but i'll talk about that later.
Prone to some mistakes, or bad calls which can often cost games, but he'll be the first to admit those mistakes and learn from them (unlike other FCs who will argue that they were right for 4 hours until the team gives up arguing and the FC believes he's won).

Fuck his fake positivity though, aswell as his ability to turn 2 perfectly balanced teams and switch them around until he knows he's on the winning side. Also quite prone to mistakes on mage, kind of. His positioning when pushing for polymorphs on enemy healers is somewhat questionable, but he's not entirely to blame if and when he dies as his own healers should be able to keep him up 9/10 times, it's HB, he's already called what he's going to do 10 secs before he does it, but the healers still get surprised when he gets swapped to?
Puempeekstoh - I don't know much about this guy having only talked to him once or twice but fuck this sarcastic kid, He makes the list because he's great mechanically, nothing flashy, nothing ambitious, just plays his role, is vocal and is consistent without hardly putting a foot wrong.
Needs more confidence on his vocal side of things, a lot of what he calls goes unnoticed because he lacks confidence when saying it.
Stabilt - Easily the best player in legion, nobody is even close. Knows what he's doing and where he's supposed to be every millisecond of the game, plays to perfection on a consistent basis, not to mention he's pulled off a mechanical play that's not only one of the best i've seen in twinking, but wow as a whole.
His only downfall is the fact he tends to get a little bit tilted at his team when they're underperforming, especially inexperienced healers who are too slow to react to him dying in situations he feels he shouldnt be dying in, but unlike others in the bracket he'll have a quiet mutter of disbelief under his breath and move on.
Phobia - There was a lot of debate whether or not the best survival is Phobia or Yowza and my opinion is that it goes to Phobia no doubt, even though Yowza is miles ahead of Phobia mechanically and brings more to the team in that way, it's Phobia's communication and style of play that brings Phobia ahead, unlike every other survival who waits to be told by the feral/rogue when to go, it's Phobia who leads the go's, telling the feral and rogue when he's able to reach without being asked, in my opinion this is the way survival is meant to be played in wargames.
I cba his fake positivity too, also his loudness and his inability to shut the fk up with pointless information, he also has a tendency to make wrong calls frequently.
Trigs - Easily the best 'new' player in legion, he's either lying about not playing twinks in mop/wod or he's the fastest learner this bracket has ever seen, it took him a couple of wargames until he fully understood the meta, learn awareness and know his role in mid, then a couple more games until he was the best targetcaller in the expansion, when a 'legion twink' is beating a 2x twink cup champion to a spot in a list, you know you found someone special.
He has a tendency to respond sarcastically and on occasion with toxicity towards calls he sees as stupid or so obvious they didn't need saying, which can be detrimental to the game as it serves no purpose and can discourage people from trying to lead.
Revo - Could've easily made this list for mage aswell but with the simplicity of mage in legion he shines more on priest where this expansion has lacked good healers, he knows when to hold bubbles, knows where he should be standing and can predict incoming damage flawlessly
The only problem with Revo on priest is he'd laugh at being mentioned on a list for priests, it's not his main class, dont even think it's his 2nd or 3rd but the rest of the healers are so shit he's still on my list, needs to be more vocal however.
Bailey - She might look stupid running around orgrimmar with a stupid transmog and a pumpkin on her head taking 3 seconds to jump once but as soon as she's in wargames there's nobody you'd rather have on priest, because she's the only priest main that actually knows how to heal, doesn't need to be told when to press fear, and doesn't need to be screamed at by rogues to bubble them.
When her team's pushing and the FC needs a priest to stay back, she's already there, and she's easily the best at it.
Lacks confidence in her ability and calls, she'd rather be told what to do than tell others what to do, she's definitely losing interest in games and it's showing, sometimes spending the whole game muted and listening to music if she even plays at all. Needs improving on predicting incoming damage rather than reacting to it.
Lanky - Already knew he was the best rogue even when he had no mic, now he has one there's nobody even close, he already knows which way the EFC is attempting to cross before the EFC even knows himself, doesn't wastefully open randomly or stand in terrible positions where he gets caught, knows exactly when to sap to stall, when to open to force trinket or kill.
Needs to be more vocal with ferals, sometimes there can be miscommunication or lack of communication which can slow down gos in positions where going would've been a secure kill.
Blurz - Paladin is a very underused class that for a long time didn't fit the meta, it's becoming more and more acceptable and Blurz is the only reason people took another look at it, he showed the bracket that they have viable heals and an underappreciated kit in CC and CC breakers, a very experienced healer who has exceptional awareness and game knowledge, and another important vocal player.
However, it's evident he's losing interest in the game and would rather spend the whole game talking about random shit and losing focus in doing so, which can lead to him being out of position.
Phron - This kid is a fking freak outside of BGs, but it's hard to mention shamans without Phron being the first name that pops into your mind, nobody comes close, doesn't need to be told when to break off for FC support, doesnt need to be told by FC to 'stop bolts', he understands when a shaman is meant to be spamming heals and when their role is to help secure kills with shears on priests or delay enemy pushes with a huge teamwide earthbinds, when to break off and contest enemy players who are trying to go around FC etc.
He needs to improve a little mechanically, he has the right ideas on what to do but can be a bit slow on doing so, can also improve vocally, being more clear and assertive.
Controversial Exclusions:
Mvq - They say you are what you eat, absolute dogshit player. Provides absolutely nothing on any class he's on, he just speaks with the confidence that makes him sound like he knows what he's doing but he doesnt have a clue. He can throw a game that he's 2-0 up in with 5minutes left. 95% of calls he makes are wrong and wont work, but he'll spend 4 weeks trying to find the tiniest reason he made that wrong call, He could be midgame but if he gets a snapchat from a girl, you know he's taking his eyes off his screen and looking down to reply, even at 10 stacks and a rogue and feral opening on him carrying the flag. Has 0 clue what he should be targetting as a mage, and no idea how DRs work on rogue.
Dan - Another player who speaks with confidence but he's so far behind the skill-level the current game requires it's almost embarassing, ridiculously slow to react to anything and another player that generally makes the wrong calls, his only saving graces are that he sticks to classes that can hide his misplays and slow reactions and his ability to make people listen to him, he's a good leader in the sense that people will do exactly as he says although what he says isnt always a good call.
Raz - I have no doubt in my mind that if Raz wanted to be on this list for any class he could, but he doesn't want to be, he has the wrong attitude towards twinking so it's a surprise he even shows up to play at all, he's used to playing with people as mechanically gifted as him so he hates when people make mistakes, you make a mistake and he'll let you know you made a mistake by flaming you, if you react badly to the flame, he's gone.
Flamer - Someone needs to tell Flamer that winning 2 twink cups doesn't make you immune to criticism and it certainly doesn't mean everything you do in games is perfect, out of every TC winner i've played with or against, he's easily the worst. Has little to no awareness, only focused on doing damage even if the target is never going to die, very rarely connects on EFCs because he's too busy bolting a battle standard or an imp, sometimes pulling as little as 5 fears a game, if there's no midfight going on this guy has absolutely 0 clue what to do, he loses all sense of awareness or position and 7/10 times will get cut off or left behind and will die, and it'll be the healers fault. Also, having a focus bolt macro doesn't make you the best warlock, stop saying it.
Saka - Why does this guy make everyone's list? consistently out of position, eating polymorphs in the frontline and then getting swapped to, provides little in the way of healing and his offensive ability is overestimated, hardly vocal and becomes too much of a liability to be taken seriously, all around overrated and just generally an average player.
Ripduck - Often regarded as the best mage and I just dont see why, maybe the people listing him have replayed the clips of him streamsniping rogues out with blizzard a few too many times, there's a reason he never streams mage pov in wargames and only streamed FC pov, good leader but mechanically average, certainly better on mage than FC, dropping form on 10 stacks while being opened on multiple times per game isnt adjusting to the meta, it's just a bad player.
Saxxon - An above average rogue that gets called the best so often it's gone to his head and he's lost focus and now he barely makes the top 3, good vocally but has no idea how to open properly as a rogue, opening at wrong times and seems more focused on opening on priests than doing damage to EFC in times where it's more beneficial to focus the EFC, tries too hard to do flashy shit than actually win.
Vet - I'd like to take the time to congratulate GSC on getting rid of Mvq the worst FC of all time and picking up a new FC in the form of Vet, he's already proving that he has no idea what he's doing and needs his hand held by HB the whole time, give him the flag in mid and there's no problem, ask him to get the flag himself and he has absolutely no clue what he's doing, wont call for shaman support until he's already dead, wont tell you who's on defence, might be good vocally but we'll never know until he replaces that shit mic he currently has, why GSC picked up a guy who has on numerous occasions hit Airplane Mode mid game and put him on an important role like FC we'll never know, but most people have a theory that it's to prove to Mvq how much he holds them back by showing they can still win even when they pick up someone as useless as vet.
whats ur lists
TL;DR - every1 is shit and their personalities are worse, stop thinking ur good.