When pvping? Theres no must haves AFAIK.
- Whatever costumes or fun things you want
- http://www.wowhead.com/item=102467/censer-of-eternal-agony lets you farm bloody coins
- http://www.wowhead.com/item=144339/sturdy-love-fool is a scaling target dummy
- http://www.wowhead.com/item=85500/anglers-fishing-raft is super useful for traveling on a 19
- http://www.wowhead.com/item=136849/natures-beacon (druid only) is a fun and unreliable travel tool
- www.wowhead.com/item=122304/fandrals-seed-pouch (druids have the best toys) - perma-fire-kitty
Isn't there a glider thing? I see people get a huge movement increase with it
Can you only farm the fire kitty if you have a druid high enough level to actually farm it? Or can it drop for any class?
Goblin gliders are a consumable made by engineers and found in blingtron boxes (so thats how f2p get them). Definitely a good item to stock up on.
The fire kitty will only drop for druids, but can be traded and learned on non-druids. So if you can convince a druid friend to come with you and trade it to you, you can farm it on any toon. But solo you have to have the druid. Its also a stupid low drop rate.
It looks like its BoP. So I would have to just be in the area and roll on it then?
Certain drops can be traded between party/raid members who also participated in the kill. Which reminds me of another item that isn't technically a toy, but might be must have for wpvp. It doesn't drop for 19s, but you can group with someone who doesn't have it, then it'll drop for them and they can trade it to you (and then they can kill it again for themselves).
Certain drops can be traded between party/raid members who also participated in the kill. Which reminds me of another item that isn't technically a toy, but might be must have for wpvp. It doesn't drop for 19s, but you can group with someone who doesn't have it, then it'll drop for them and they can trade it to you (and then they can kill it again for themselves).
these give no advantage but I like to have these in a macro
short cds and cool effects![]()
ahh I play my druids very casually don't have any macros on themSpeaking of macros ohti.. Any recommendations for druid macros? I have been lazy and wanted to make one where I use spells in shapeshift by having it bring me back to form then cast the spell. Wondering if there are any others specifically for druids?
@Lluyd Actually from what I have seen, any healing spells while in bear/cat/travel do not morph me out unless I first morph out on those shapeshift keybinds. Maybe I have something disabled, but that's what I have been seeing anyway. I actually have not been a big fan of mouseover, though I know a lot of people tend to go this route. Thanks for responding nonetheless! I am loving the activity/community of this forum so far!
Console variables, settings if you will. Can see a bunch of them with the addon Advanced Interface Options.@Tzeeni Sorry... refresh me on what a CVAR is![]()