Your best Returns/Caps/Repicks

I want you to tell a little story of your best return, cap or repick, or all if you want :) Starting with mine:

Best repick was probably when I was on my mage at D, with a friend carrying as hpala. They had a 6-man O so was not much we could do after we've been kiting them around the roof for a while so the pally dies just after I casted frost nova on their O. I luckily got a fast repick so just jumped down, instantly blinked towards GY and ran to the freshly resurrected pala + frends :)

Best return was on my huntard, just got near the efc in mid, nobody of our team was near the efc as the last rogue died just as the EFC did, so I disengaged and returned the flag mid-air.

Best cap, can't remember any specific cool cap but getting a repick when EFC dies and when our FC dies a second later on capspot, and then just wait there a few sec to get the cap :) a few cool caps on my video too but aint gonna explain now ^^

Waiting eagerly to read your "stories"!
I'd say one of the best repick moments I can remember was on my mage. I was on defense on Horde's roof and it was apparent that we were going to die, they had at least 3 more people after us than we had. I was cc'ing the best I could to stop them as our flag carrier tried to kite, but they ended up killing him midair as he jumped from roof down to base. Luckily our offense got a return at almost this exact second. I followed him down, repicked his drop in midair, blinked as soon as I hit the ground and landed on the cap and scored to go up 2-1. I died like 2 seconds after the cap. That was something I wish I had FRAPS'd.
once I outclick Arkant, that'll for sure be my best return!

Slack Kalle, go one step further and try outclicking Zimt. It can't be done.

OT : I don't rly consider returning or capping anything special, but i do love the ninja caps when people try to pass the flag and fail.
i outclicked cerial once! he might have been in a hoj tho :(

edit: the amount of times iro has ninja returned vs me is unreal
I've always enjoyed sapping a enemy that was running into our FR, while holding the flag, picking it back up and capping it while /lolololololololololol all the way/
i outclicked cerial once! he might have been in a hoj tho :(

edit: the amount of times iro has ninja returned vs me is unreal

Indeed, if Iroki is on the bg, you pretty much know you're gonna get ninja'd at some point of the game :p
Best Cap: One of my favorite caps was when the EFC went down and a druid rooted me on roof and i trinketed it and charged him as he was on cap to give us the lead with less than a minute left for the win
Best Return: A Charge ninja pick on ramp back when i was night elf. Shadowmeld charged with a rogue on me at 300 hp and picked the pass as i died. really miss night elf sometimes
i outclicked cerial once! he might have been in a hoj tho :(

Idd must have been a hoj or something xD (jk you are fast) Really got no memories from returning but love too ninja the flag. Ohh one memory is from when we played vs the french and their fc died and a random french rogue took it. Their whole team ran too their gy and waited for the fc to respawn. They had no idea I was there so they tried to change fc but BOOM! the fc was sapped and their flag was returned by cerial le qt. :cool:
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Don't think I can remember any special caps/returns/repicks in recent memory. These kids are just too damn good for me anymore.
In cata I 1v8d a return lol...

Neither team was "epic" but whatever.... was very fun :3

Back in BC I 2v1d down Patton and Annoying to win... opened on pally, gouged priest, bombed pally, kicked priest bandage 2 ticks between dot ticks to 100% finished priest w/ thistle tea dropped pally =P

Bombed Anarcan to pick when Pwndepot (Hotbot) dropped in a 10 man dominate vs random vengeance, lag hacked out of the mess and capped...

Sprint + slowfall off ally roof over Jak (Can be compared to Pizza) for a cap

Just a few fun things that have occurred, sadly I only had ms under 2,000 in the more recent months....
Best repick: I was following our fc as we left ramp side. There was about 6 ally on us, and then the fc died. As he died, I punted all the 6 people back and I repicked the flag. Gotta love that thunderstorm.
best pick ever was when i was in a pugmade with mgc, on my pally, and i ran right through static and ninjad the flag from one of em'. It resorted in a win for us and mgc cheering me on with me on their shoulders
Slack Kalle, go one step further and try outclicking Zimt. It can't be done.
It already has been done, I do outclick Zimt. That's probably because he plays like 1 WSG every 2 months and got a bit rusty though :/
Though I've had several great ones in my past this is one of my favorite encounters:

I was dropping off roof to cap when a Rogue got the repick. My death was imminent with the four on my tail, so I immediately headed out FR door when I noticed that the Rogue was going to pass to a Paladin. I then rocket jumped back in for the ninja and capped; ultimately winning the game. ;)

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