Yay me, time to do stuff!


So, I've heard horror stories about how the 19 bracket is hard to get into. But I'm not going to let that stop me from trying. With all the drama in the 20-29 bracket right now, I figured it might be a proper time to go down a level, and learn a new bracket.

So, yeah. I'd just like a few things of general information: What classes not to play, which faction has a class imbalance, who gives out the best cookies. Ya know, the simple stuff.
Welcome to 19's!

Of note though - you won't find a bracket with more drama than 19's. So coming here to avoid drama won't accomplish what you're hoping for. Come here for more competition - better avg pug player, pugs that more closely emulate premades, and more active guilds doing guild vs guild wargames.

So lots of drama here, but lots of competition as well. The two can hand in hand.
19s are the last place you want to go to get away from drama.

Its like a nightmare inside a nightmare
I'm afraid your comments haven't answered my post, but since it's my own fault for including the personal information bit, I'll have to accept that.

I'm not involved in 19's drama, and it would take awhile to drag me in to it. As such, I have technically "escaped drama".

Thanks for the welcome, that was rather helpful. Not getting shooed out the door is a pretty great feeling.
You're pretty good to play whatever you'd like as long as it's not an alliance druid, there are far too many of them. We could also use fewer rogues and hunters. If you're dead set on rogue, make it alliance. Hunter can be either faction, most of them play both sides.

Factions aren't too unbalanced, most games can go either way. Alliance is doing a bit better since they have dedicated FCs queuing more consistently right now.

The drama's not as bad as it sounds. You'll get a bit here and there in games, it's generally pretty well contained in the forums though. Games are almost always a lot better than 20-29 with the gear gap cut out and a much higher baseline skill level. It's a bit of an adjustment in playstyle, but the bracket's definitely worth at least trying out. Welcome!
Best thing for you to do is just start reading the threads in the section here. It will become evident pretty soon. Competitionwise, I do not think there is a huge difference in the 10-19 and 20-29 bracket in BGs. Attitudewise, there is a difference. And it is rather sad...

Best thing for you to do is just start reading the threads in the section here. It will become evident pretty soon. Attitudewise, there is a difference. And it is rather sad...


Qi quit trashing the bracket eh? If you don't play 19s then get back to the jaja forum of TI that you came from. If you are going to come into another bracket's thread, it is best not to straight bash the bracket in two posts on the first page.

Competitionwise, I do not think there is a huge difference in the 10-19 and 20-29 bracket in BGs.
Not sure where to start tbh...
You're pretty good to play whatever you'd like as long as it's not an alliance druid, there are far too many of them. We could also use fewer rogues and hunters. If you're dead set on rogue, make it alliance. Hunter can be either faction, most of them play both sides.

Factions aren't too unbalanced, most games can go either way. Alliance is doing a bit better since they have dedicated FCs queuing more consistently right now.

The drama's not as bad as it sounds. You'll get a bit here and there in games, it's generally pretty well contained in the forums though. Games are almost always a lot better than 20-29 with the gear gap cut out and a much higher baseline skill level. It's a bit of an adjustment in playstyle, but the bracket's definitely worth at least trying out. Welcome!
All of this.
Especially welcome!
His description of the bracket was spot on. I'd actually say there aren't many hunters nowadays because they're less fotm. Disc Priests are a little over flooded too if you're trying to pick a class that is in short supply.
The classes which will get you called scum are BrM, Feral, and Arms Warrior. Everything else is chill, just play it well.
Lastly, make sure you are BiS before you queue. People don't take kindly to partial twinks and you'll most likely get afk kicked.
Have fun and don't farm mid! We play objectively :)
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Qi quit trashing the bracket eh? If you don't play 19s then get back to the jaja forum of TI that you came from. If you are going to come into another bracket's thread, it is best not to straight bash the bracket in two posts on the first page.

Not sure where to start tbh...

What makes you think I don't play in the 19's? Is it because I don't have an immature attitude? Or perhaps because I use proper English? Maybe it is because I do not brag about my video game "skills". Or even personally attack people I have never met. Is it any of these that leads you to the conclusion that I do not play 19's or is it all?
Because frankly, you have absolutely no idea who my main 19 is.
What makes you think I don't play in the 19's? Is it because I don't have an immature attitude? Or perhaps because I use proper English? Maybe it is because I do not brag about my video game "skills". Or even personally attack people I have never met. Is it any of these that leads you to the conclusion that I do not play 19's or is it all?
Because frankly, you have absolutely no idea who my main 19 is.
Or is it because you display an ignorance of the 19 bracket that one would only expect from someone who does not play said bracket? Not every 19 knows that you frequently make ludicrous statements and therefore they could easily deduce from your posts that you aren't part of this bracket.
Because frankly, you have absolutely no idea who my main 19 is.
This is true. All I see you do is trash the bracket and claim that 20-29 is better. So yes, that is what I am going off of.
What makes you think I don't play in the 19's? Is it because I don't have an immature attitude? Or perhaps because I use proper English? Maybe it is because I do not brag about my video game "skills". Or even personally attack people I have never met. Is it any of these that leads you to the conclusion that I do not play 19's or is it all?
Because frankly, you have absolutely no idea who my main 19 is.

Go back to farming ftp's in your shit bracket. Nobody needs a nobody shit talking the bracket in our forums.
Wait, hold on.

there is drama in the 19s bracket?
All of this.
Especially welcome!
His description of the bracket was spot on. I'd actually say there aren't many hunters nowadays because they're less fotm. Disc Priests are a little over flooded too if you're trying to pick a class that is in short supply.
The classes which will get you called scum are BrM, Feral, and Arms Warrior. Everything else is chill, just play it well.
Lastly, make sure you are BiS before you queue. People don't take kindly to partial twinks and you'll most likely get afk kicked.
Have fun and don't farm mid! We play objectively :)

Very accurate, but sadly we need these scum classes at times since they are game changers.
I'd say roll on Ally since (at least the PuGs i've been getting into) are usually in the Horde's favor due to Skill Ratio (one of the top 19 guilds) constantly doing pre-mades, but play whatever faction you prefer, unless you're making a caster, then you should probably roll Horde and either stay or faction swap due to Horde having the best caster quest gear.

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