Yay me, time to do stuff!

EU has some DB's too...nature is bad people for sure, as one example. But maybe people get along with trash over there. Over here we tell them they're trash!

No need to cause any other drama by calling people names etc. Imo, enjoy the games and save the anger for in wsg <3
This is true. All I see you do is trash the bracket and claim that 20-29 is better. So yes, that is what I am going off of.

Not quite sure where you saw that I stated the 20-29's were "better". If you could find that it would be much appreciated. Nor where I "trashed" the bracket. Please shed some light. It is you that is making the " bracket" look bad by acting like a fool.

Go back to farming ftp's in your shit bracket. Nobody needs a nobody shit talking the bracket in our forums.
Where did I "talk shit"? You mean like you just did the 20-29 bracket? If you can find where I did please show it to me.

As much as I hate to play this card. I have been in the 19's before both of you. That is unless you played before xp off and the Ruin Migration. This is as much my bracket as it is yours.

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1. Competitionwise, I do not think there is a huge difference in the 10-19 and 20-29 bracket in BGs.
2. Attitudewise, there is a difference. And it is rather sad...


1. Negative Connotation (comparing the skill level of 19s to the skill level of f2p twinks)
2. Negative Connotation (downing the attitude of all 19s, generalizing an entire bracket again)
TL;DR I make it clear that I dislike the f2p bracket and I laugh when someone tries to compare it to 19s. However, I do not post in the f2p section just to say how shit it is
1. My opinion. Did I state trials? I said 20-29. No "shit talk" or "degrading" the bracket.
2. Many people in the 19's bracket do have an issue with their attitude do they not? In fact, there is entire thread dedicated to it. I can link it if you like.

If anyone proved what it is to be a 19 it is you. You have thus far personally insulted me, insulted an entire bracket and displayed the volatile attitude that the 19's are known for possessing.

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19s not hard to get into. Just gear up and get in. The queues are not 24/7, but when they are happening, they are pretty short, at least on Alliance. I came from 20s playing f2ps for a long time, and dabbling in 29s. Took me about 2 days to figure out 29s are the biggest joke in all of player versus player gaming.

19s much better. Come.
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1. Negative Connotation (comparing the skill level of 19s to the skill level of f2p twinks)
2. Negative Connotation (downing the attitude of all 19s, generalizing an entire bracket again)
TL;DR I make it clear that I dislike the f2p bracket and I laugh when someone tries to compare it to 19s. However, I do not post in the f2p section just to say how shit it is

19s are not far off the skill level of f2ps. hate to break your heart.
i'd suggest playing pretty much anything except mele (although arms is amazing right now) especially not a rogue since there's already far too many of those. healers are always needed, but there's a whole lot of discs and not that much of anything else so i'd suggest a rsham or mw monk if you'd like to heal as rdruids and hpallys are not in a good spot right now. ele sham fire mage and spriest are pretty much the only dmg specs i'd say are terrible right now. i hope this was helpful, good luck with your new toon.
1. My opinion. Did I state trials? I said 20-29. No "shit talk" or "degrading" the bracket.
2. Many people in the 19's bracket do have an issue with their attitude do they not? In fact, there is entire thread dedicated to it. I can link it if you like.


1. Yes it is 20-29, not just f2p. However, full geared 29s against un-enchanted and otherwise gimped f2ps = less skill required to dominate. It is basically the same as crutching on a speed pot to cover up bad positioning.
2. Generalizing everyone in 19s. Not everyone in 19s has a bad attitude. Far from it. Ill be honest, I came into this discussion with a slightly negative outlook. I do not like to see someone come into a thread asking about a bracket with a response that indirectly states that another bracket is superior. You basically said they (the two brackets) are on the same skill level but 29s have a much better attitude, therefore anyone reading it will infer that 20-29 is better than 10-19. It is not generally accepted to come into a thread of this sort to deter people from playing a bracket :(
I never discouraged anyone from playing in any bracket, you did. And you continue to do so in each and every post in this thread. You also continue to cement the basis of the 19's self righteous attitude. There is no skill level difference in brackets as a whole. Just different strategies and less abilities.

I never discouraged anyone from playing in any bracket, you did. And you continue to do so in each and every post in this thread. You also continue to cement the basis of the 19's self righteous attitude. There is no skill level difference in brackets as a whole. Just different strategies and less abilities.


Stop trolling Idk how ur not banned like atm ur easily most annoying person on ti
Hehe, drama. I hope you guys don't act like this in bg's, that wouldn't be much fun.
Hehe, drama. I hope you guys don't act like this in bg's, that wouldn't be much fun.

Dude, like you said, you're not involved in the drama - you've escaped it. Just don't come onto Twinkinfo and read into all the nonsense that goes on. Half of these threads are garbage and you can usually tell half way through the first page. 10-19 is a great bracket with more than enough friendly, personable people. I daresay they outnumber the toxic ones on most days. I promise you'll find a guild in line with your values and meet people you enjoy playing with. Definitely come to the bracket and give it a whirl.

1. Yes it is 20-29, not just f2p. However, full geared 29s against un-enchanted and otherwise gimped f2ps = less skill required to dominate. It is basically the same as crutching on a speed pot to cover up bad positioning.
2. Generalizing everyone in 19s. Not everyone in 19s has a bad attitude. Far from it. Ill be honest, I came into this discussion with a slightly negative outlook. I do not like to see someone come into a thread asking about a bracket with a response that indirectly states that another bracket is superior. You basically said they (the two brackets) are on the same skill level but 29s have a much better attitude, therefore anyone reading it will infer that 20-29 is better than 10-19. It is not generally accepted to come into a thread of this sort to deter people from playing a bracket :(

"kenny i hate you" - from the 19 bracket to you <3

edit: dont say you're a part of the 19 twinking community everyone knows you have to hate everyone to be a real 19 twink
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Welcome to the bracket tinke! Drugs pretty much nailed it, ignore majority of threads on TI and you're good lol. I suggest rolling a horde and alliance character to help even out the games whenever one of the sides is getting stomped, but I'd say it would be better on your part to roll a druid on horde, as they lack them quite heavily. boomy or resto fc.
1. Yes it is 20-29, not just f2p. However, full geared 29s against un-enchanted and otherwise gimped f2ps = less skill required to dominate. It is basically the same as crutching on a speed pot to cover up bad positioning.
2. Generalizing everyone in 19s. Not everyone in 19s has a bad attitude. Far from it. Ill be honest, I came into this discussion with a slightly negative outlook. I do not like to see someone come into a thread asking about a bracket with a response that indirectly states that another bracket is superior. You basically said they (the two brackets) are on the same skill level but 29s have a much better attitude, therefore anyone reading it will infer that 20-29 is better than 10-19. It is not generally accepted to come into a thread of this sort to deter people from playing a bracket :(

FYI you're getting trolled so hard. Just stop answering the dog.

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