Xio and Myrmidon strike again

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Xposure said:
WTB the Super Size :D

One extra salty super sized POPCORN! coming right up!

canihascookie said:
Can I get free gummy bears with mine?

I'm sorry sir, we do not have any gummy bears, however, we can offer a variety of salts.

We got regulair salt, sea salt, kosher salt, rock salt not to mention our famous pickling salt. Of any interrest? :)
Evocate said:
Actually it is. He told Drayner he was terrible. Thats like telling Blizzard they are a terrible company on their forums. Thats a fast track to getting banned.
Please point out where I called Drayner terrible. About as close as I came was when I said

If you are who I think you are then you are one of the biggest jokes SS ever had, and have no cause to call anyone else terrible.
Myrmidon said:
Please point out where I called Drayner terrible. About as close as I came was when I said

You showed us yourself. If you think he is who you think he is. What is he is who you think, then you have called Drayner a joke and did not even say why either. lol
wish these people would just go away, you've done your achievement, you know no-one else in the whole game cares. So why bother?
Okay, listen

Myrm and Xio, congratufackinglactions once again on wasting xx amount of hours on 10 achievement points. Not a title, not a tabard reward, no... Just 10 worthless achievement points. You now have 1 more achievement than 99.99% of the community of world of warcraft that plays the 10-19 bracket.

Tell me when you beat Beastly's record of 1065 achievement points.

Tell me when you beat Rayu's record of 1700ish achievement points


Good job!

.... not really amazing ...


Someone close this please.
/sigh can some add to the title "only read if you want to lose brain cells."

On a side note getting the achievement the legit way is playing properly but it doesn't change the fact these two are douches.
Kengel said:
You showed us yourself. If you think he is who you think he is. What is he is who you think, then you have called Drayner a joke and did not even say why either. lol
Drayner knows why he was a joke, I don't need to bring it up.

wish these people would just go away, you've done your achievement, you know no-one else in the whole game cares. So why bother?
These forums cared enough to post the original thread the first time we did it, and that's enough to care broski.

Tell me when you beat Beastly's record of 1065 achievement points.
=/ Give me about a week.
Myrmidon said:
Drayner knows why he was a joke, I don't need to bring it up.

Drayner has no idea wtf you are talking about. This thread has maybe an hour tops before it's locked though. I have allowed it to remain open probably a little too long. I figured it would be a good public service reminder on how not to twink. Douchebaggery at it's finest.
So what have we learned people? do stupid things, troll forums, become twink famous.

The lesson to take away from this is that there's a reason young homosexual men are called twinks.
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