Xio and Myrmidon strike again

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Owned. Drayner called you a tool. Plus he kinda owns this website..not a good way to go insulting the person who owns this website lol. Furthermore...I havnt ever played or for that matter really heard of SS ...so I am sure Drayner stood out quite a bit there.
banish said:
A twink and a decent player are two completely different things. For example:

Clicking, backpedalling, SS spamming Rogue, with default UI dual wielding shadowfangs = Twink but bad player

Rogue using cruel barbs but has good keybinds, plays at max camera range, gouges and restealths, uses garrote instead of lolambush = Good player
Ok now do one in between those, that is the definition of decent.
lol these are the aholes that kept me in WSG for 2 hours because they wouldn't cap the flag. The Horde team was way undergeared and they took advantage of that. Whenever Myrm got the debuff he would just drop the flag and let it return to our base, grab it again, then continue to camp mid.
Psiko74 said:
lol these are the aholes that kept me in WSG for 2 hours because they wouldn't cap the flag. The Horde team was way undergeared and they took advantage of that. Whenever Myrm got the debuff he would just drop the flag and let it return to our base, grab it again, then continue to camp mid.
lol you're the dumbass who stayed for 2 hours when you are getting farmed.
Myrmidon said:
lol you're the dumbass who stayed for 2 hours when you are getting farmed.

Oh man. You're clueless.

I know arguing with kids is pointless. But dumb kids grow up to become dumb adults. If you actually have no idea as to why no one likes you, I feel bad for you.

Step away from WOW and work on your people skills. It will get you much further in life then some pointless achievement no one in RL will care much about.
Xäo said:
Oh man. You're clueless.

I know arguing with kids is pointless. But dumb kids grow up to become dumb adults. If you actually have no idea as to why no one likes you, I feel bad for you.

Step away from WOW and work on your people skills. It will get you much further in life then some pointless achievement no one in RL will care much about.
I understand why people don't like me, that doesn't make what you quoted any less relevant. Are you really going to sit there and get farmed for 2 hours then blame me? Sure I farmed you but you could have left 10 minutes in, seriously why would you stay that long just to complain about it.
Hamcake said:
You could have not been a douchebag


None of this would have ever been an issue if you hadn't acted so selfishly. Everyone pays the same amount you (or your parents) do to play. And thus have just as much right to enjoy the game as you. Holding a battleground for ransom for hours against under geared/new players is nothing to be proud of. Players shouldn't be forced to AFK and take the debuff, many of us have little time to play as is. That's pretty much taking away an 1/8 of my nightly play time.

I hope you're beginning to understand.
after thinking this through some more: why would you even post this on this forum? You should be embarrassed at yourselves. 6 hours? good fucking job getting damage control - noone cares. You two are the worst examples of why people dont like twinks. Farming a WSG for one quarter of a whole day? Jesus. Tell me what battlegroup you're in so i never have to play with or against you.

EDIT: found it - stormstrike. I will never make a twink on stormstrike.
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woo summer time, better spend all day playing world of warcraft wooo!! coz it is lyke so fun to kill people yes
You could have not made 4 well geared level 19 twinks..

Must have taken you months of playing time.. This only took me 6 hours.. Your call on who is wasting their summer.
im enjoying my summer hugely so far, currently in iceland, wicked place. I see you are enjoying camping the forums trying to counter any arguement against you. nice life you have there bro :D
StokesTerenas said:
im enjoying my summer hugely so far, currently in iceland, wicked place. I see you are enjoying camping the forums trying to counter any arguement against you. nice life you have there bro :D

It only seems like you are trolling the forums looking for a place to qq because some big old alliance camped you once! just ignore this if you dont care and call xio and myrm losers...
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