X vs Y

in wsg not to long ago u were like " we are never playing WT they have 8 belfs"

When did i say anything about MGC, ill play you with 8 bloodelfs
browntown why are you so anxious for my guild to destroy your guild 3-0?

hey dip shit. your lol goonie started the shit. think before you speak.
im not anxious im ready. do something.
hey dip shit. your lol goonie started the shit. think before you speak.

I'm waiting for your guild to be worth my guilds time to even challenge you. I'm not going to waste my players time.. they have more important things to do than gy farm like they did Static.
I'm waiting for your guild to be worth my guilds time to even challenge you. I'm not going to waste my players time.. they have more important things to do than gy farm like they did Static.

good call. dip shit.

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